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Cisco Employee
Cisco Employee

 Moquery is the command line cousin of Vizore, it's very helpful and efficient sometimes during the troubleshooting. This article aims to provide moquery cheat sheet to the users for some most common seen scenarios.  

moquery usage


moquery --help
usage: Command line cousin to visore [-h] [-i HOST] [-p PORT] [-d DN]
                                     [-c KLASS] [-f FILTER] [-a ATTRS]
                                     [-o OUTPUT] [-u USER]
                                     [-x [OPTIONS [OPTIONS ...]]]

optional arguments:
  -h, --help            show this help message and exit
  -i HOST, --host HOST  Hostname or ip of apic
  -p PORT, --port PORT  REST server port
  -d DN, --dn DN        dn of the mo
  -c KLASS, --klass KLASS
                        comma seperated class names to query
  -f FILTER, --filter FILTER
                        property filter to accept/reject mos
  -a ATTRS, --attrs ATTRS
                        type of attributes to display (config, all)
  -o OUTPUT, --output OUTPUT
                        Display format (block, table, xml, json)
  -u USER, --user USER  User name
  -x [OPTIONS [OPTIONS ...]], --options [OPTIONS [OPTIONS ...]]
                        Extra options to the query


Basic moquery commands


moquery -c fvBD
moquery -c fvBD -f "\"BDname\""
moquery -c fvSubnet (BD SVI) CONTEXT moquery -c fvCtx EPG moquery -c fvAEPg
moquery -c fvAEPg -f 'fv.AEPg.pcTag=="xxxx"'

moquery -c fvCEp
moquery -c fvCEp | grep x.x.x.x -A 10 -B 5
moquery -c fvCEp -f '"aa:bb:cc:dd:11:22:33:44"'
moquery -c fvCEp -f 'fv.CEp.ip==""'
moquery -c fvRsCEpToPathEp CONSUMED CONTRACT moquery -c vzBrCP PROVIDED CONTRACT moquery -c vzBrCP L3 OUT moquery -c l3extInstP
moquery -c l3extDomP
moquery -c actrl.PfxEntry
moquery -c l3extSubnet

moquery -c faultInst -f 'fault.Inst.code=="F0467"'
moquery -c faultRecord -x order-by="faultRecord.created|desc" 'query-target-filter=wcard(faultRecord.created,"2017-12-1[2]")'>/home/admin/auditlog.txt

moquery -c tunnelIf


APIC moquery 

On APIC, please enter into 'bash' mode, then you can start with moquery


 <moquery -c fabricExplicitGEp> - Find vPC Domain VIP(s)


lindawa@apic1:~> moquery -c fabricExplicitGEp
Total Objects shown: 1

# fabric.ExplicitGEp
name : leaf103-104
childAction :
configQual :
configSt : deployed
dn : uni/fabric/protpol/expgep-leaf103-104
id : 2
lcOwn : local
modTs : 2017-12-12T01:29:24.470+00:00
monPolDn : uni/fabric/monfab-default
rn : expgep-leaf103-104
status :
uid : 15374
virtualIp : 

Which leaf nodes is this EPG(name known) deployed on in the fabric?

lindawa@apic1:~> moquery -c fvLocale | grep dn | grep lindawa-web
dn : uni/epp/fv-[uni/tn-lindawa/ap-lindawa-vmm/epg-lindawa-web]/node-101
dn : uni/epp/fv-[uni/tn-lindawa/ap-lindawa-vmm/epg-lindawa-web]/node-102

Is the EPG (keyword for filtering) using dynamic attachment and what leafs?

lindawa@apic1:~> moquery -c fvDyPathAtt | grep dn | grep lindawa-web
dn : uni/epp/fv-[uni/tn-lindawa/ap-lindawa-vmm/epg-lindawa-web]/node-101/dyatt-[topology/pod-1/protpaths-101-102/pathep-[lindawa-vpc-to-srv37]]
dn : uni/epp/fv-[uni/tn-lindawa/ap-lindawa-vmm/epg-lindawa-web]/node-102/dyatt-[topology/pod-1/protpaths-101-102/pathep-[lindawa-vpc-to-srv37]]

What is the dynamic VLAN encap used for this EPG?

lindawa@apic1:~> moquery -c fvIfConn | grep dn | grep lindawa-web
dn : uni/epp/fv-[uni/tn-lindawa/ap-lindawa-vmm/epg-lindawa-web]/node-101/dyatt-[topology/pod-1/protpaths-101-102/pathep-[lindawa-vpc-to-srv37]]/conndef/conn-[vlan-826]-[]
dn : uni/epp/fv-[uni/tn-lindawa/ap-lindawa-vmm/epg-lindawa-web]/node-102/dyatt-[topology/pod-1/protpaths-101-102/pathep-[lindawa-vpc-to-srv37]]/conndef/conn-[vlan-826]-[]


What is the BD name if I know the VLAN encap used for L2Out?

lindawa@apic1:~> moquery -c l2extRsEBd | grep -A 20 -B 2 vlan-43
childAction :
dn : uni/tn-lindawa/l2out-l2out-test/rseBd
encap : vlan-43
forceResolve : yes
lcOwn : local
modTs : 2018-04-12T05:23:44.593+00:00
monPolDn : uni/tn-common/monepg-default
rType : mo
rn : rseBd
state : formed
stateQual : none
status :
tCl : fvBD
tContextDn :
tDn : uni/tn-lindawa/BD-recreate
tRn : BD-recreate
tType : name
tnFvBDName : recreate
uid : 0

Switch moquery

<moquery -c fabricExplicitGEp> - Find vPC Domain VIP(s), same command is applicable to switch as well. 


What other EPG are configured to use leaf101 port 1/34.

leaf101# moquery -c fvIfConn | grep dn | grep eth1/34
dn : uni/epp/rtd-[uni/tn-lindawa/out-l3out-ospf/instP-all-ext]/node-101/stpathatt-[eth1/34]/conndef/conn-[unknown]-[]

 What VLAN is associated with an interface?

leaf101# moquery -c nwPathEp -f '"eth1/16"'
Total Objects shown: 1

# nw.PathEp
id : eth1/16
allocState : allocated
childAction :
descr :
dn : sys/conng/path-[eth1/16]
fabricPathDn : topology/pod-1/paths-101/pathep-[eth1/16]
lcOwn : local
modTs : 2018-03-26T05:51:53.874+00:00
monPolDn : uni/fabric/monfab-default
name :
nativeEncap : vlan-1940
rn : path-[eth1/16]
status :
vlanScope : global
vlanScopeSupport : supported


 What speeds are the leaf port configured to operate at?

leaf101# moquery -c ethpmPhysIf | grep -E 'dn|operSpeed'
dn : sys/phys-[eth1/33]/phys
operSpeed : 10G
dn : sys/phys-[eth1/34]/phys
operSpeed : 1G


Level 1
Level 1

@lindawa can you run moquery using API's?

do you know how CISCO NAE gets information from CISCO APIC or ACI switches, does it run any API or does it get information through commands.

VIP Alumni
VIP Alumni

Hi @kunal.2.puri1,

Everything you run through moquery, you can get through API. In the end, moquey is simply a query tool for managed objects.

For more details about how to use REST API, I would recommend the following two links: 

Also, you can find a lot of labs on 



Cisco Employee
Cisco Employee

Nice blog, Linda. Thank you.
For more moquery commands, check my blog here: The ACI Moquery: Your Ultimate Guide For ACI Moquery Commands 

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