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The CloudCenter platform supports integration to various load balancers. This document provides information on integration with Avi Networks to handle creating virtual services, pools, pool servers, and adding or removing servers from pools during a scaling operation.


The Avi Vantage Platform delivers automated application services including load balancing, application analytics, predictive autoscaling, and security for on-premises or public cloud applications. The platform is built on software-defined principles, runs on commodity x86 servers, VMs, or containers, and matches the automation and self-service goals of modern enterprises.






  • CloudCenter 4.8.x and above
  • Knowledge of Cisco CloudCenter and how to create services


Avi Networks

  • Avi Controller with VMware or LSC integration



Service Package Bundle


The Packer Service bundle consists of the following files:


  • service - The main script that has the logic for the integration
  • serviceDictionary.csv - The dictionary CSV file that has the list of all the parameters and their defaults. If you want to get addition input from the user, they need to be added to this file and also in the UI. The format of this file is as follows:
    • DisplayName,paramName,paramType,defaultValue,visible,optional
    • e.g. Root Volume Size,root_volume_size,10,Y,N

      The parameter name is key here and should match the parameter name in the UI

  • - Script to install prerequisites
  • - Main script to parse the parameters and call the Avi Controller endpoint
  • - Avi controller endpoint script
  • - Avi SDK


Service Description


To add this service login to CloudCenter as an administrator and click on Admin->Services->Add Service. Use the information listed below to create the service.



Service Type: External Service

Name: Avi Networks

Service ID: avinetworks

Description: The Avi Vantage Platform delivers automated application services including load balancing, application analytics, predictive autoscaling, and security for on-premises or public cloud applications.

Category: Load Balancer


External Lifecycle Actions:


External Action Bundle: <location of>



     Script from Bundle: service update



     Script from Bundle: service start



     Script from Bundle: service stop



Service Parameters


Parameter Name aviControllerIp
Display Name Avi Controller IP
Type string                               
Default Value  
User Options  


Parameter Name aviControllerUserName
Display Name    Avi Controller User Name
Type string
Default Value admin
User Options  


Parameter Name aviPassword
Display Name Avi Controller Password  
Type password
Default Value  
User Options  



Deployment Parameters


Parameter Name aviTenantName
Display Name               Avi Controller Tenant Name               
Type string
Default Value  
User Options Visible, Editable


Parameter Name vipName
Display Name              Virtual Service Name                           
Type string
Default Value  
User Options Visible, Editable


Parameter Name vipIp
Display Name Virtual Service IP                
Type string
Default Value  
User Options Visible, Editable


Parameter Name vipPort
Display Name Virtual Service Port              
Type string
Default Value 80
User Options Visible, Editable


Parameter Name sslEnable
Display Name          Enable SSL                
Type list
List Values Yes,No                                           
Default Value No
User Options Visible, Editable


Parameter Name sslCert
Display Name          SSL Certificate                               
Type path
Default Value  
User Options Visible, Editable


Parameter Name sslKey
Display Name       SSL Key                                     
Type path
Default Value  
User Options Visible, Editable


Parameter Name appProfile
Display Name             Avi Application Profile                        
Type list
List Values       System-DNS,System-HTTP,System-L4-Application,System-SSL-Application,System-Secure-HTTP
Default Value System-HTTP
User Options Visible, Editable


Parameter Name persistence
Display Name           Persistence               
Type list
List Values System-Persistence-App-Cookie,System-Persistence-Client-IP,System-Persistence-Custom-Http-Header,System-Persistence-Http-Cookie,System-Persistence-TLD
Default Value System-Persistence-Http-Cookie
User Options Visible, Editable



Parameter Name lbMethod
Display Name      Load Balancing Method
Type list
List Values Round Robin,Least Load,Fewest Servers, Consistent Hash,Fastest Response,Core Affinity,Least Connections
Default Value Least Connections
User Options Visible, Editable


Parameter Name listenPort
Display Name                    Pool Server Port            
Type string                                                   
Default Value 80
User Options Visible, Editable


Parameter Name poolMembers
Display Name            Pool Servers
Type string                                          
Default Value  
User Options  



Parameter Name poolMonitor
DisplayName     Health Monitor                                            
Type   list
List Values System-DNS,System-HTTP,System-HTTPS,System-Ping,System-TCP,System-UDP      
Default Value System-TCP
User Options Visible, Editable






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