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Level 1

This is a very small TAP filled with bad practice that has saved me loads of time. It's basically a set of database related workflows that give you an easy wrapper to create/update/query/delete service items in the NewScale RequestCenter Cisco Service Portal database without having to bother with service item listeners and agent parameter mappings.

Don't use this in production! For proof of concepts however it can save a massive amount of time. I use it for services that have LOTS of agent parameters (one has 40+), so rather than having a massive mapping exercise I just send the service item names down to the orchestrator and I retrieve all of the service item details directly from the database.

Note: for the "Get Service Item from Portal", this will take a selection query (which is just the SQL WHERE statement without the WHERE), and may return multiple service items (by design). The output of that process is Table XML, which you read in using the "Read Table from XML", and the row name is exactly the same as the service item table name input (i.e. it IS case sensitive). The column names are the same as how they appear in the database (also case sensitive)

Note: The "Delete Organization from Portal" activity is DEFINITELY for proof of concepts only. There's a reason why this capability doesn't exist in the product. I use this because I run a demo several times a day and I can't keep coming up with unique organization names every time. In order for this to work, you need to have a permanent organization set up called "Trash", and a user in that org called "Trash User". Any requisitions that are created by users in the org you are deleting will be reassigned to this trash user and organization so that the requisition itself gets preserved, just under a different person and org.

Tested on Cisco Service Portal 9.3 and 9.4.

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