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Cisco Employee
Cisco Employee

Password recovery proccedure for a Nexus 1010 VSB.

1.  Login to VSB from Nexus 1010 Mgr.

2. When the VSM is booting up (if booted already, reboot), send "control+]" at the point when is says "Loading image" print. This will take you to switch prompt where the password may be changed

3.  Once password set is done do "load <name of mz image>"

4.  After system is booted login with new password.

# Example

n1010-1# login virtual-service-blade SV14

Telnet escape character is '^\'.


Connected to

Escape character is '^\'.

Loading system software

INIT: Switching to runlevel: 1

INIT: Sending processes the TERM signal

Stopping dhcpd daemon: dhcpd.

Unexporting directories for NFS kernel daemon...done.


switch(boot)# conf terminal

Enter configuration commands, one per line.  End with CNTL/Z.

switch(boot)(config)# admin-password Cisco12345

switch(boot)(config)# exit

switch(boot)# dir bootflash:

        455  Mar 21 2011 07:31:59  N1KVFEAT20110318193209567.lic

      77824  Sep 17 2011 22:45:10  accounting.log

       4096  Dec 15 2010 09:23:58  core/

       4096  Dec 15 2010 09:24:34  eem_logs/

       4096  Sep 11 2011 13:30:26  log/

      16384  Dec 15 2010 09:23:42  lost+found/

   20419072  Dec 15 2010 09:23:45  nexus-1000v-kickstart-mz.4.0.4.SV1.3b.bin

   90513280  Dec 15 2010 09:23:58  nexus-1000v-mz.4.0.4.SV1.3b.bin

       4096  Dec 15 2010 09:24:24  vdc_2/

       4096  Dec 15 2010 09:24:24  vdc_3/

       4096  Dec 15 2010 09:24:24  vdc_4/

           Usage for bootflash: filesystem

                  144887808 bytes total used

                 2129879040 bytes free

                 2147483647 bytes available

switch(boot)# load nexus-1000v-mz.4.0.4.SV1.3b.bin

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