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Sandeep Singh
Level 7
Level 7


Cisco SM-SRE hosted by the Cisco  ISR G2 have their own processors, storage, network interfaces, and  memory that operate independently of the host router resources. This  configuration helps to ensure maximum concurrent routing and application  performance. Cisco SRE supports installing and uninstalling  Cisco-authorized software, such as Cisco Unity Express, Cisco  Application eXtension Platform (Cisco AXP), and Cisco IP Video  Surveillance using Cisco IOS software commands and prevents unauthorized  software and applications from running on Cisco SRE modules.

Basic Configuration for WAAS on SM

Once the image is installed, session to the module from the router:

ISR# service-module sm 1/0 session

After login configure the basic commands on the service module:

restore factory-default

device mode application-accelerator


hostname xyz

central-manager address a.b.c.d


interface GigabitEthernet 1/0

ip address w.x.y.z


primary-interface GigabitEthernet 1/0

ip default-gateway w.x.y.a


ip name-server

ip domain-name

ntp server

clock timezone


clear license Transport

license add Enterprise


cms enable

Related Information

Deploying WAAS on ISR G2 SRE Module

Deploy Cisco WAAS through a non Cisco Firewall

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