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Level 4

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To personalize your user experience with DCP, some Preferences are provided. It will help you short-cutting your navigation and also setup some time-entry shortcut.

Future implementations will provide additional preference settings.

The Preferences setting are provided in the top-right corner of the DCP landing-page, right from the Notifications setting.

Following preferences are available today :

General Functional Area to land on at login
  • List of functional areas available to you with your role and responsibility.
  • Last one used
General Workview to land on at login
  • List of workviews: private workviews, shared workviews where you are a SPOC, Admin or Member
  • Last One used
  • No Workview selected
Time Entry Management Often used Administration Project
  • List of Active Administration projects

Open up the Preferences pane by clicking on the 'preferences' preferences icon.PNGicon. From the left column, select one of the enabled main categories. In the right column define the best value to simplify your user experience.

Example, if you are a user that uses DCP just for Time Entry, set the Functional area to land on to 'Time Entry Management'.

If you prefer to not always have to filter from the totality of records, define the preference to land on one of your defined workviews.


The value 'Last one used', which is the default for Functional area and Workview landing means that at log-in it will open up the Functional area and/or Workview there were you left when logging out last time. It also functions if DCP was left unattended for 30 minutes and the auto log-out kicked in.

Related articles :

Overview of DCP landing page

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