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Cisco Employee
Cisco Employee

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This article will explain how to update a request in requested status, while going through the Delivery Management module and the Resource Management sub-module.


Create a Resource or Deliverable Request

1. Login to DCP.

1. Canceling a Rejected Direct Assignment_Login to DCP Screen.png

2. Select Delivery Management from the dropdown.

2. Canceling a Rejected Direct Assignment_Delivery Mgmt screen.png
3. Select Resource Management.

3. Canceling a Rejected Direct Assignment_Resource Mgmt Screen.png

4. Select the request you wish to update. 

5. Updating a Request in Requested Status.png

5. The Resource Request screen appears. Note: Once the status has been updated to Requested, it is no longer available in DCP, and all changes are now made in BAT.  Click the View Progress in BAT hyperlink (highlighted below), to see your request.  Any changes from this point on, will be done after conversations with the staffers in BAT.

6. Updating a Request in Requested Status.png


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