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To edit the full properties of a document,  you should use the Properties pane that will show all properties applicable to a document. The shortcut to only edit the essential properties of a document is explained in previous article.

If you are the author or owner of a document you can, as a customer or Cisco partner, update all document properties, except the document visibility parameters (both internal to Cisco and the customer/partner visibility), which is reserved to Cisco employees.

To access the full properties of a record, click once a record line of your choice in the table grid. This will open the Properties pane. Just make sure to not click on the hyperlinked title which will invoke the download of the document.

The Properties pane shows all properties of a record, organized over several Tabs.

Depending on the state of the record (the document should not be in a pending state or locked) and your relation to the record (only the author or owner(s) can edit properties), the properties will be editable to you.

Essential tab.png

In this article we will review the Essentials tab and the Miscellaneous tab.

Essential properties

The importance of the Essentials have been explained in previous article as well as how to quickly edit them through in-line editing. Here we will give an overview of all data fields available on the Essentials tab of the properties pane.

Field Description Values
Title The document title that will be shown in table listings and in search results. Free text. It defaults to the file name but can be changed.
It is a mandatory field.
Content ID Unique numeric identifier of the document. It is system generated or you can pick from previously reserved content ids.

It is a mandatory field.

Content Source This is the actual file name how the document is uploaded. (read only)
Project This is the Project Identifier of the Advanced Services engagement for which the document is created. To choose from the projects to which you have been enabled for document upload.
It is a mandatory field.
Customer This is the Customer Name for which the document is created. To choose from the corresponding customer names (Cisco partner or end-customer) linked to the projects for which you have been enabled for document upload.

It is a mandatory field.

Content Category Describes what type of document your document is. To choose from a list of 4 values: deliverable, contractual document, support material, reference material.

It is a mandatory field.

Sub-category/ Keywords To provide searchable keywords to further sub-categorize your document. It is a combination of free-text and pick-list for preset and most popular keywords. Type-ahead is provided as well. Keywords are optional.
Status Describes the status of the document throughout its life-cycle. To choose from a list of 3: Approval not Applicable, Pre-draft, Draft.

Once the document is set to Draft, all other status through the review and approval stages will be system generated and not editable anymore.

It is a mandatory field.

Version This identifies the latest version of the document being uploaded. It is a system generated field.
(read only)
Author The user ID of the person that has authored the document. To search by user ID, email address, first name or last name. Type in a single search string, hit enter and select from the search results.

It is a mandatory field.

Summary This is a small excerpt describing the content of the document. It is a free text field and optional.

For a further detailed explanation of some of those fields, such as Status and Version number, please refer to the respective article :

Understanding Lifecycle Management & Version Number

Miscellaneous properties

Even if not considered essential, some of the properties on the miscellaneous tab are critical to be properly defined and to enable some further benefits of DCP as a content management system.

Field Description Values
Archive this content after This is a count-down timer that will archive the document once reached. The value resets to the given value with each edit of the properties or with the last version uploaded. It is defaulted to 2 years but can be changed to any value.

It is a mandatory field.

Language The language that will be used with the Search capability. When the search is executed in a particular language, it will return the document as a search result only if the language field value matches. To choose from a pick-list of supported languages. It is default set to English.

It is a mandatory field.

Owner The list of users mentioned have full edit rights to the document: both changing the properties as driving the document through its life-cycle. As such an owner can be a proxy for the author. By default all project team members are set as an owner. If you, as a customer or Cisco partner, uploads the document, it will be the project manager that is set as owner.
The list can be edited by searching for a specific user or selecting from the aggregated contact list.

It is a mandatory field.

Contributors Contributors have co-authored the document. Users that contributed to a the document should be listed to give them credit.
Contributors can upload a new version of a document through check-out/lock and check-in. They can NOT change any of the properties or perform any other action.
By default all users that have participated to a document review and/or approval are listed as contributor.

The list can be edited by searching for a specific user or selecting from the aggregated contact list.

Related project content To link different documents of the same project together for easy reference. Example a high level design document and a low level design document for the same project.
From the table grid, linked documents are accessed via the pop-up when you pause your cursor for 2 seconds over the 'link' link.PNG icon.
You can choose 1 or more documents from the pick-list provided. Only documents uploaded to the same project are listed.

User Selection component

The Owners and Contributors field use the 'user selection component'.  This component is used throughout DCP, wherever more than one user can be added to a list. It leverages your aggregated contact list and contact-groups. It is further used when you start a discussion or when you submit a document for approval.

So, let's take the time to explain how this component works.

user selection component full v1.png

First you can pick from your aggregated contact list that you defined with the Contacts management capability (explained in a later article of this user guide). You can also pick from the Contact Groups that you created or that got shared with you. Click the 'down' arrow, right from the input field and further expand 'all Contacts' for your aggregated contact-list or 'Contact Groups' to list your contact groups. If listing your contact-groups you can select a contact group as a whole or expand the contact group to select a few individual users from it.

Further you can use the field as a simple search capability: in the input field you can type a single search string or multiple comma-separated search strings, that can be a user IDs, email addresses, first names or last names, and hit the enter key. DCP will search the profile repository (CPR) and will return search results per certain criteria. These criteria are explained in a further article in this user guide: Create a List of Contacts. Form the search results, you can select one or more users and click anywhere else to add the selected users to your list.

Related articles :

Updating Essential Properties via In-line Editing

Understanding Lifecycle Management & Version Number

Create a List of Contacts

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