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Cisco Employee
Cisco Employee

On June 15-17 took place the Web2day conference, one among the most prestigious tech event in France outside of Paris (dixit the “Startups Guide France” Page 297 ) : for 3 days, 3200 visitors joined the 2016 edition, learned and shared experiences with 250 speakers, in Nantes, home of the Elephant machine.

the elePH(P)ant machine, with a (P) for some of its PHP fans

Paris Innovation Center teams up with Startups

Part of its ambitious program to accelerate France Country Digitalisation,Cisco’s Paris Innovation Center sponsored the Web2day Startups Challenge, and hosted 20 startups over the 3 days, at the Cisco DevNet booth.

We spread the word about Cisco APIs in a 40' talk, demonstrated real-world uses cases with CMX — Cisco Mobility Services, CiscoSpark and Tropo. We also mentored a 2-hours hands-on session focused on CiscoSpark & Tropo APIs.

the Cisco DevNet booth in the Web2Day village

An interactive assistant for the Tech2Day

To illustrate some of Cisco Tropo APIs features, we showcased an IVR — Interactive Voice Response — which helped Web2Day participants navigate among the talks and hands-on program. Note that the Tech2Day is the technical track for developers inside the Web2Day global event.

The Tech2Day IVR featured :

  • a Tropo phone number speaks the next sessions (happening right now, at the exact moment you’re calling the number),
  • proposes you to subscribe to some sessions via the dial tone #1,
  • sends a SMS with details for the session you selected,
  • as you respond to the SMS with your email address, the IVR adds you to a Spark Room with other Tech2Day participants,
  • in this Spark Room, a bot listens and answers the /tech2Day command with a list of upcoming sessions.

What’s the secret sauce ?

The Tech2Day IVR scenario is fully powered by the Tropo Scripting API, a Tropo phone number with bidirectional SMS support, plus a bit of nodejs code built with SailsJS and hosted on the nodejs-friendly CleverCloud platform.

Please find hereafter are a few link if you want to dive into the code right now (and before we publish a more detailled  article to walk you through the entire code):

If you want to discover more about Cisco APIs, Spark, Tropo, CMX …, we would be happy to meet, discuss and/or go hands-on during one of these upcoming events :

What is DevNet ?

Cisco Developer Program — DevNet — gathers resources for Developers to innovate with Cisco APIs : learn, get inspired, share, and join communities…

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