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Cisco Employee
Cisco Employee

Hey all. Cisco Live Vegas is coming around. We in the DevNet sandbox team have been busy building out new environments in collaboration, networking, IoT etc. It’s been a really enjoyable few months and CLUS represents the culmination of a lot of hard work by the Sandbox team. We really are looking forward to showing you our new toys!

Get Ready for Dev Cycle!

We are also upping our game at the Sandbox booth. This year we will have a live bicycle - Sandbox integration and we would invite all attendees to come and give it a try. As well as being fun and interactive, it demonstrates how APIs in IoT and collaboration can be easily integrate with our sandbox.

Sandbox Intro Lab

We will also be showcasing our specifically designed sandbox intro lab for newcomers to Sandbox. This sandbox will demonstrate all the features of the GUI and bring you through a full engagement in under five minutes. We have also thrown in some fun exercises for you to do. Be sure to stop by the booth. We have lots of prizes and giveaways and we would be happy to answer any questions you have.


We will be running two sandbox specific workshops on Wed @11am and Thurs @2pm (both at Workbench 3). These are very popular and will fill up fast. Make sure you sign up here asap.

See You Soon

OK I’m off to pack some shorts and sun cream. Coming from Ireland, weather in Vegas is definitely going to be a little different. I am really looking forward to it.

See you at the sandbox booth!

Joe Kearns

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