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Cisco Employee
Cisco Employee


We are doing something new in the DevNet Zone in CiscoLive Milan.

When we were at CiscoLive US in San Francisco, we heard about so many interesting projects, initiatives and ideas from our Cisco DevNet developers that we wanted to create a time in Milan for Developers to tell these great stories.

So each day in Milan, we are going to have Ignite style (5 minutes 20 slides) Developer talks by you, our developers.  We will have a max 5 speakers each day.

The talks can be about anything related to Cisco APIs and Cisco Developers.  We want to hear about the new problems you are trying to solve and the projects you are working on with your teams.

These talks should NOT be an advertisement for your company or product.  Please be respectful of the audience and keep the talks focused on development topics, problems and solutions and less about your actual product or company.

Here is the process for submitting a talk

  • Submit your 5 minute/20 slide talk by uploading a file here:
  • In the description, tell us which day you want to give your talk.
  • The DevNet team will review and let you know if your talk is selected!
  • Give your amazing talk to the audience in the DevNet Classroom.
  • The favorite presenters of the audience will also be featured in a DevNet Guest blog after Cisco Live Milan.

So starting thinking about your topics and have fun!

Mandy Whaley

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