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Cisco Employee
Cisco Employee

We’ve now got available Cisco Unified Communications manager (CUCM) 12 ready and waiting for you to use in the DevNet Sandbox.

The new CUCM 12 Sandbox gives you a full call manager solution in minutes for you to explore, with new features (full notes here) to develop around, including:

  • Centralized deployment options and clustered deployments
  • OAuth Login Refresh support
  • Improved Database management utilities for admins
  • Further integration capabilities with Cisco Spark Services.
  • Improved UI
  • Branding Customization capability
  • …And you can even have an IPv6 only deployment!

CUCM comes with a great API to help you integrate into your current environments and build solutions on top of and you can learn more about them here.

You’ll also get the Jabber SDK to play with – this let’s integrate the comms capabilities into web applications super quick, including voice, video, IM and more.


So, get started! Log into DevNet Sandbox and spin up your own environment with a single button press – FREE!


If you’re coming to CiscoLive Barcelona, be sure to hit the DevNet Zone and the Sandbox booth! You can meet a bunch of the team and also take part in a few fun challenges, including a collaboration play! We can also offer a game of IoT Table Football that we’ve rigged up, using the technology available in our own sandboxes – See you there!


Jonathan Els
Level 5
Level 5

Link for CUCM is dead.  Can you confirm if there is any plans in upcoming releases to migrate to a REST API for CUCM?  If so, JSON, XML or both?

Level 5
Level 5

Hello Jonathan,

I checked the CUCM 12 link and it is working for me. You will have to log in/sign in to see the Sandbox.

I am not sure about any plans to migrate/change APIs on CUCM in future releases. You may want to throw your question into our developer support spark room, where our evangelists should have a better idea about CUCM. You can join the room here:

Please let me know if you've got any other questions.


Jonathan Els
Level 5
Level 5
Level 5
Level 5

HI Jonathan,

I tried that link and it is working for me as well. Could you let me know what error code you're getting, and share a screenshot of what you see so I can check with others on our team to replicate this issue.

Also couldn't hurt to know which browser, version, and OS you're using.


Jonathan Els
Level 5
Level 5

Windows 10

Google Chrome : Version 65.0.3325.181 (Official Build) (64-bit)

The behaviour is intermittent...

Both links are working/not working for me intermittently if i cross-launch from this page:

In both cases, the devnet web UI show's a pic of a robot with a 404.

Level 5
Level 5

Hello Jonathan,

I spoke with our Cloud team and this is a know issue that we're working to get resolved. I will post an update here once it's been repaired.

Sorry for the trouble! Let me know if you've got any questions.


Jonathan Els
Level 5
Level 5

Perfect!  Happy to know there's a solution pending.

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