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ISE labs for practice

Eric R. Jones
Level 4
Level 4

Hello, I've been Devnet looking for ISE labs to allow me to practice.

Currently on 2.7 but will move to 3.0 this year.

Are there any sandbox labs available?

So far I see ISE MUD and that doesn't appear to be what I'm looking for.

I prefer not to insall VMWare on my box lose all that disk space.



6 Replies 6

Hall of Fame
Hall of Fame

Are you looking ISE 3.0 sandbox ?



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Eric R. Jones
Level 4
Level 4

Yes, I got the sandbox started but none of the admin passwords I've use work. I thought the default was admin/C1sco12345, I tried the same one I used to get the anyconnect working but that's failing also. Nothing in the documentation I'm reading states what this is.


Cisco1234! ?



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Well now system scan: no policy server detected is popping up so I can't even get the gui to start. Also when the sandbox shows the output window I get one set of credentials and in the email I get another set of credentials. The email credentials work with anyconnect. I tried the credentials from the sandbox output window but they don't appear to work anywhere. 


Not quite exact but variation on this theme, C1sco12345! was it.

Also used the credentials in the output, I kept missing the link, it was ending in a different value.


Eric R. Jones
Level 4
Level 4

I'll try that again. didn't have the bang at the end