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virl/cml util access: VIRL_HOST

Level 1
Level 1

I've been using the CML sandbox with the web interface but want to remotely access the simulation.  What is the sandbox host?  The sandbox is accessed via the web at and I've given IPs to the nodes in the simulation (like 192.168.1.x and 172.16.x.x) but I can only access them through the HTML interface (after connecting w/ AnyConnect) but can't ping these from a command (or WSL) prompt on my laptop.  What do I need to do to use cml utils?

5 Replies 5

@spencera here the link to cml utils - it contains the guide to getting started and set up.


Hope this helps.

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Thanks; That matches the video that Hank made several years ago & I tried the .virlrc but I still can't connect from my laptop.  I'm using the CML sandbox and after the sandbox is ready I can connect w/ AnyConnect and successfully  connect to the Cisco Modeling Labs Server ( via http but can't ping or ssh.  After I connect w/ AnyConnect am I supposed to use a VIRL_HOST of, or  a the ip of one of my devices?  I can access a device in the Network Devices tab (e.g., so do I need the change the .rc file for each device in my config?


@spencera in this case i believe you run the util from the local devbox within the sandbox - not your local machine, i have done this in the past when it was virlutils. Hope this helps

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Cisco Employee
Cisco Employee

The issues you are experiencing could be by design; some features are tightened with security. For example, pinging from outside the lab into most of the devices is not allowed, however pinging from within the lab is allowed. The best way to go about it is this: connect via SSH or RDP into a Linux or Windows host and then use the utilities on those hosts to access the rest of the sandbox.

Level 1
Level 1

Yes kkhlebop correct; I think I have a more basic problem.  I can get to the pre-configured network devices listed but can't putty to reach the devices on the simulated network topology I created. Could there just be a routing conflict between my laptop and the 1918 addresses I configured for my simulation?  What are the recommended/guidance for assigning addresses for devices?  I ultimately want to use WSL (but starting out with just a windows cmd). TIA