el 04-04-2023 11:52 AM
I am constantly getting the following messages on Cisco 9500 and 9200 switches.
"*Apr 4 18:25:32.884: %SMART_LIC-3-COMM_FAILED: Communications failure with the Cisco Smart License Utility (CSLU) : Unable to resolve server hostname/domain name"
How can we disable this log message?
Thank you!
el 04-04-2023 01:43 PM
The first option is to disable the Call-Home feature
configure terminal
no active
The second option is perform Cisco Smart Licensing register
**Please rate the answer if this information was useful***
el 04-05-2023 06:52 AM
Hello Edson.
thank you , I disabled it because the switches are in a closed network and they dont have access to internet.
If I disable it I am not going to have any problems right? (meaning routing protocols,etc are not going to be affected by this).
PS: I really like your youtube channel!
Thank you!
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