el 04-04-2023 04:54 PM
Tengo un switch que esta monitoreado via ping e snmp. Sobre la vlan 1 y recientemente configure una vlan 2 nueva para monitorear.
Al validar localmente alcanzo las dos ip pero no reemplace el default-gateway en el switch sigue estando sobre la vlan 1 el switch esta en capa 2. al momento de validar en el asa observo que la conexion se establece, sin embargo cuando el switch contesta con la ip nueva se regresa por la vlan1. el asa no ve una conexion por esta interface y tira el paquete. Necesito saber una forma de realizar un bypass de icmp para que me pueda contestar el switch con la ip nueva. Sin deshabilitar el inspect icmp.
anexo error
ICMP packets were dropped by the ASA because of security checks added by the stateful ICMP feature that are usually either ICMP echo replies without a valid echo request already passed across the ASA or ICMP error messages not related to any TCP, UDP, or ICMP session already established in the ASA.
An ICMP session is removed in the fast-path when stateful ICMP is enabled using the inspect icmp command.
el 04-04-2023 05:12 PM
Question, it is required to keep vlan 1 on the switch? Why dont you keep only vlan 2 ?
Do you have ICMP inspection on the ASA?
TEST-ASA(config)# policy-map global_policy
TEST-ASA(config-pmap)# class inspection_default
TEST-ASA(config-pmap-c)# inspect icmp
el 04-04-2023 05:21 PM
Question, it is required to keep vlan 1 on the switch? Why dont you keep only vlan 2 ?
Because, before change on monitoring tool, I need rechable the new ip. We are talking about 500 switch.
Yes, I have inspection active on global policy.
el 04-04-2023 05:56 PM
There is way to bypass icmp inspection but I need to check it first'
The way is using specific acl for inspection not use global defualt one.
el 04-05-2023 10:52 AM
I applied
access-list passInside extended permit tcp host host
access-list passInside extended permit icmp host host
class-map passTCP
match access-list passInside
policy-map passInsTrue
class passTCP
set connection advanced-options tcp-state-bypass
service-policy passInsTrue interface Inside
access-list passVlan1 extended permit tcp host host
access-list passVlan1 extended permit icmp host host
class-map passTCPV1
match access-list passVlan1
policy-map passV1True
class passTCPV1
set connection advanced-options tcp-state-bypass
service-policy passV1True interface vlan1
Currently I can already open telnet or ssh to the swtich. however the ping command does not respond to me.
if I disable the inspect if I reach it. but for best practices it is recommended not to disable it
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