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554 reply to domain \ Possible SDR issue

Level 1
Level 1


I have a domain that I have been having issues with sending emails to clients. I have traced back the issue to all the clients who have cisco web email solutions. Attached is an example of the reply I get back when I try to email cisco clients and even when I tried to send an email to TAC@Cisco.Com.


I have further looked on and ran checks at with no issues with this domain being blacklisted. SPF and DKIM are all set up correctly on this domain.


How can I get more information on why my domain is being blocked by clients that use Cisco and correct the issue?






9 Replies 9

My guess is that the domain is too new... Wait a couple months.
Also, Talos' WhoIs page is blank, so there's a whole bunch of info that can't be verified. Talk to your registrar about that.

Looking at the ICANN lookup the domain info is there:


"Wait a couple months" doesn't solve the issue. I cannot email Square our credit card processor and other clients that use cisco services that I need to get emails out to today, not in a few months from now. 

I don't control it, I don't work for Cisco... I'm just telling you what I see...

Understand. Hoping someone that has run into this issue or a cisco employee will see it. Tried to open a TAC case but since I don't have a contract they will not do anything.

Cisco Employee
Cisco Employee is being flagged as awful by SDR engine causing these failures. If you aren't a Cisco customer, i would recommend asking your recipients who are a Cisco customer to work with TAC.

Thanks for replying and confirming what I thought it was a SDR issue. The problem I have is some of these clients are super large like Cisco or Square credit processing. Talking to tier 1 and tier 2 techs they say the spam issue is on my side as check my whitelist etc which as we known here it's the SDR that is flagging my domain. Telling them to open a TAC ticket will be a miracle even it possible.

Is there not a way that I can correct this with cisco vs trying to get square to do it?

Not directly with TAC if you aren't a Cisco customer. You can try and discuss this with your Cisco contacts that you are in touch with and have them work internally.

TALOS portal now allows users to report wrongful/false positive SDR verdicts. You can take advantage of it if this problem is still observed.

Screenshot 2022-07-28 at 6.47.30 AM.png


Screenshot 2022-07-28 at 6.49.39 AM.png

Level 1
Level 1

This has to be the most frustrating issue. I too am experiencing this with a new domain on Microsoft 365


The issue is with SDR - my domain is brand new and I cannot email anyone running ironport


Dont bother trying what I did, you will not get anywhere. Hope I can save some time

- open a ticket with Talos web portal - automated closure saying domain is fine

- call cisco tac - denied because we are not a cisco customer

- call cisco  tac and complain even further - forwarded to Talos team who says open a ticket with the Talos portal. ALREADY DID THAT!

- Final answer is we cannot email these domains until our reputation improves. Nothing you can do about this except wait for who knows how many months


The only workaround for us is to ask the person you are emailing to whitelist the domain in their SDR settings (Total waste of time, people that run ironport are large companies/government agencies so good luck getting to the Ironport admin)


OR - like we did, email them from a gmail address. Totally unprofessional but these are your only 2  options


Hope I saved you some time and i'll never purchase one of these POS devices