Email Security

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My c350 is set to update, but doesn't. I go to "Security services", and down to "service updates" and all the URLS are there, and interval is set to 11m. Yet every time I look, I am behind, and I force an update, and its all good until I look at it a...

Hello,I've had the benefit of using Ironport servers for years and we recently decommissioned our C60/600 servers and replaced them with C350s. Just today I noticed one of our C350s was non-responsive and one of my guys at our datacenter checked the ...

Hello all,I want to allow email for a special group only, if the mail- ist smaller than 20 MB- has no attachements- has one or more attachements of an allowed type (pdf, doc, xls, ...)All other attachements should be forwarded to an administration ac...

Hi everyone,I'm planning to enable TLS on our email traffic, but was wondering if that will conflict with the wildcard certificate we currently have enabled on the server?I couldn't find any information about smtp tls errors because of it on google, ...

Hi Is there anyone who can advice regarding ,how many msg/min /hour -i can reach with this machine without getting a long delays .I need to know few parameters since i want to tell applications that send mail through the box how to behave .Thanks

Hi Nation,I'm working on an extension of the Nagios monitoring of our Ironports.We want to raise an alarm if one of the machines starts enouncing download errors for CASE and AV. I fount the following SNMP OID that supplies the info:updateServiceName...