Dear all,
we're using an outgoing message filter in our ESA to strip compressed attachments from e-mails:
Condition: Attachment File Info
Rule: attachment-filetype == "Compressed"
Action: drop-attachments-by-filetype("Compressed", "...")
It seems, that the filter catches documents with embedded StarView-Metafile-Objects like Formulas produces by the Open/Libre Office Math Module.
Proof of concept:
- create libreoffice textdocument (.odt)
- Insert an example formula via "Insert -> OLE Object -> Formula Object"
- save, attach to e-mail and send
-> If above filter is active, the attachment is dropped
Oddly this is not replicable via message tracing
Processing content filter 'ArchiveFilter':
Evaluating Condition: attachment-filetype == "Compressed"
Result = False
Evaluating Condition: attachment-protected
Result = False
When I unpack the document with zip and attach the extracted files, nothing is blocked
Any idea?
Thanks, Harald