I've a couple of questions about if and how is possible to desing a service plan that creates multiple service items for a single request and if it possible to create some sort of looping structrure within a service plan.
More precisely, i've designed a service that enable the customer to order in one single requisition multiple VMs and i'd like to creates a service item for each one of those VMs. For now, my service plan create only one service item that contains data for all the VMs created like all the hostnames and IPs in single fields of that one service item. This solution lead to some trouble managing the VMs created and I think it could be better to have one service item for each machine.
What I would like to implement it's a service plan that calls the orchestrator to create one VM, than creates a service item for that VM and reiterates the process until the value of the fields in the form representing the number of VMs (which i'd like to mantain so that the customer can order multiple VMs of the same type with only one requisition) is reached.
So, is there some kind of looping structure that could be created using conditions in the service plan? Or there is some feature of the Portal that I'm not aware of or I'm using poorly (like the possibility to set a quantity of object with a single order)?
I hope the question is clear.
I'm using the version 9.3 R2 of CCP