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TES 5.3.1 sacmd modrule -J "<class name>" returns invalid job class argument

Level 1
Level 1

The docs indicate modrule should work as follows but it returns invalid job class argument.  The class "My Class" is defined and job alias is correct.   Here is the cmd syntax I used.:

sacmd modrule -a myjobalias -J "My Class"

I would like help to understand why class args is invalid.  Appreciate the help.

I wish I could get more verbose output to see what its doing which leads to my second question, anyone know how to get verbose output?


3 Replies 3

Derrick Au
Level 4
Level 4

Hi Howard,


Add a pipe in between as shown in the example below:

SACmd modrule -a myjobalias | -J ID "My Class"



Derrick Au

I have some pretty extensive experience with CMD need quotes when you have values with spaces. This is true of MODRULE and other CMD line Commands

SA>modrule -i 56034 -J JC with Space

Error: invalid job class argument
SA>modrule -i 56034 -J 'JC with Space'

Error: invalid job class argument
SA>modrule -i 56034 -J "JC with Space"

Request sent to Master.

you do not need quotes when  value does not have quotes (on most commands)

modrule example using alias and jobid

SA>modrule -a 56034A -J Tidal

Request sent to Master.
SA>modrule -i 56034 -J Tidal

Request sent to Master.

Ignore my posting. Marc hit the nail right on the head :D

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