Does anyone have examples of how to set this up?I have an example of the client running the process, but I'm having a hard time converting that information to TIDAL.We are running TIDAL Plugin
Hi,Anyone got the latest version of the 6.2.1 web client up and running?I'm getting some slightly odd behaviour using IE10 (although this still gives the "unsupported browser" message) and all other browsers.If I right click on a job there is no "ins...
hello all,I am having problem to connect vCenter 5.5U2 from UCS Director 5.0.0. In the add physical account page, there is a mandatory field for cloud name and I have no idea where to setup this on vCenter server in order to add the account successfu...
*** Error[#193] Creating Process for job 19957916We receive the above error when attempting to run a windows powershell command.The command is c:\Scripts\Snapshot_Query.ps1The user is a domain admin on the target box.Currently running Tidal version 5...
Wondering if anyone out there has some experience with running "Execute Unix/Linux SSH Script" activities against a "Unix/Linux System" target and able to help?
We have a process that runs an ssh script on a Unix/Linux target and in the 'Targe...
I would like to run a workflow using Schedule trigger. I can see in the Schedule properties that all the fields need to be set manually. Is there a way where we can set the values of certain fields dynamically? For example, Start time - Can this be s...
One of our customer is looking for the best practices to do the migration from one DC to another one with a 0 downtime of TES services … They have about 4,000 jobs defined within the DB and they can imagine to freeze the modifications for some days....
Is it possible to extract text from job output and set it to a variable?
For example, here is a portion of an FTP job's output:
Transferred 3 files from
4041019 bytes in 1 seconds
I would like to extract the file count, 3, and ass...
I need to read a Java file from CPO. I found there is an inbuilt activity "Read Generic Java File" in CPO. But am not sure on what should be the target i need to point this activity to. Also, can i use the output of this Java file as an input to the ...
I want to run a job that starts on sunday night and run continously (ie in an "active" state in tidal) until the following sunday. At which point it will stop and restart. To clarify here is the behavior:1. Start job at Sunday 6pm. 2. Run continuousl...
Hi, Just installed my shiny new 6.2.1 TIDAL system. I have a user who is trying to insert an existing job into the schedules but he's getting an error. "Selected job(s) start date is not part of the compiled schedule". I can find one reference in the...
The docs indicate modrule should work as follows but it returns invalid job class argument. The class "My Class" is defined and job alias is correct. Here is the cmd syntax I used.:sacmd modrule -a myjobalias -J "My Class"I would like help to unde...
My team and I talking and we may want to consider job classes as being the way to provide support teams. I can see few advantages to using job class:#1 Job Class is not tied to security, and is available as filter criteria (meaning you can isolate to...
i have this oracle db job that is using PL/SQL as job type and calls a procedure with parameters. this is failing and giving me output of Task (100 - Create BulkLoad WIPPER File - Oracle) failed launch (java.sql.SQLException: ORA-06550: line 3, colum...
Date stamp was easy to create using a custom format variable, but I cannot see how to do the same for a time stamp. I would need a time stamp format without colons or slashes that would be rejected as a filename. Can a custom format Time variable ...