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BE ver 7 Upgrade to BE 5000 8.6

Vishal Bhardwaj
Level 1
Level 1


I need to upgrade user's existing Business Edition ver 7.1.5 to latest version of Business Edition... Now, as MCS7828I4-K9-BE7 is end of life but still can be under support till 2015... I want to give him 2 options... 1 with keeping the same old server.. 2nd with a New Server...'

I am using 3X3 Promotion to upgrade.. Challenge is... when I am giving a new Server.. How should I upgrade the 50 Basic licenses and Voicemails which come with the Server? When I use the part # UNIFIED-CMBE5K and select the Server... I can pick only 1 Upgrade part... total # of users is 277 ... so I can either have 2 different configuration of 50 user upgrade and 227 user (I have attached files).. OR, I create only 1 277 user upgrade and keep the 50 basic users as it is?

I know from Price point it doesn't make a difference as it's all $4 (cad) but just want to know the right process..

Don't worry about UCSS and ESW as I will take care of that.



1 Reply 1

Vishal Bhardwaj
Level 1
Level 1

Just making sure it's on top so that it's not missed ... It's a bit urgent that's why.. thanks