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Upgrade from CCM 4.0.2a to CCM 4.2.3 with AD integration

Level 1
Level 1

I am upgrading CallManager from CCM 4.0.2asr2c to CCM 4.2.3sr3a. with AD Integration and I get the following errors, one attached one inserted when I perform the upgrade:

"Starting "Cisco Directory Service" install...

[6-15-2008] - [11:23:01]




**** BEGIN debug trace for CSCee52186 ****

The path C:\CCMTmp\DCD\ exists.

The path C:\CCMTmp\DCD\UMDLL exists.

The file C:\CCMTmp\DCD\UMDLL\UMEncryption.dll exists.

**** END debug trace for CSCee52186 ****


Computer Name: "CALLMANAGER2"

User name: "Administrator"

User domain: "CALLMANAGER2"

Refresh INI file for DCDirectory install: DCDirectoryInstaller\dcdsrvr.ini

Refresh INI file for DCDAdmin upgrade: DCDAdmin\adua.ini

Delete folder C:\WINNT\java\lib\com\cisco

Prompt for Win2k password.

Replace NT Account & NT Passwd in "dcdsrvr.ini" with current login user

Replace "NT Account LocalSystem " as "NT Account CALLMANAGER2\Administrator"

Replace "NT Password " as "NT Password <password>"

Replace NT Account & NT Passwd in "adua.ini" with current login user

Replace "NT Account LocalSystem " as "NT Account CALLMANAGER2\Administrator"

Replace "NT Password " as "NT Password <password>"

Get info about Publisher/Subscriber by retrieving registry key "software\Cisco Systems, Inc.\Directory Configuration\Publisher".

"Software\Cisco Systems, Inc.\Directory Configuration\[Publisher]": ""

Prompt user to specify Publisher or Subscriber, because of failure to retrieve registry

Prompt user to specify Publisher or Subscriber, because of failure to retrieve registry


Local host name: CALLMANAGER2

Local IP:

Publisher's host name: callmanager1

Publisher's IP:

Local machine is Subscriber. Its Publisher is ""

Authenticate to Publisher.

Read remote registry to get IntegratedInstall version on Publisher

Publisher's IntegratedInstall version:""

Read remote registry to get DCD Admin password

DCD Admin password:"6f0e223222555"

Failed to Read remote registry to get Publisher's CCMAdministrator password.

Install is aborted/cancelled...

Recover "NT Account" in dcdsrvr.ini to "LocalSystem"

Hide Windows password in dcdsrvr.ini

Recover "NT Account" in adua.ini to "LocalSystem"

Hide Windows password in adua.ini

Hide DCD Admin password...

Hide AD password

Inside escapeForLDAPModify.

Prefix =

Suffix =

The token .

The escaped Token: "

Anyone experienced this before and are there any possible resolutions.


3 Replies 3

Level 4
Level 4

AFAIK You should uninstall/disable AD integration then upgrade you CCM cluster, install the latest SR and next install AD integration again.




Thanks! I will try it and let you know what happens.

Yep, that was it. Although I did get a error after uninstalling the AD Plugin that DC Directory was not configured properly but after rebooting and testing it seemed fine. Anyway it did allow me to continue with the upgrade. Thanks!