05-15-2023 10:28 AM
I have been trying to get the Software Suggestions API to return valid data over the last week or so, and each and every requests results in the following returned value: <h1>s3ws.cloudapps.cisco.com</h1>
After generating the token and making a request to, say: https://apix.cisco.com/software/suggestion/v2/suggestions/software/productIds/WS-C2960S-24TS-L
The only returned value within the response text is: <h1>s3ws.cloudapps.cisco.com</h1>, regardless of the Product ID being requested.
I had this same problem with the EOX API, but that seems to have resolved itself sometime last week or so..
Has anyone seen this problem and had it resolved - if so, how would I go about getting support on this API? I have tried the several API emails but I'm not getting a response from anyone.
Thank you much.
05-16-2023 01:36 PM
Changes were made to the API portal for various services/support APIs, I believe including this one: https://apiconsole.cisco.com/docs/read/overview/Migrating_Applications
Note, you will need to recreate credentials, use a different token URL for authentication, and use a different base API URL to make the actual requests.
05-16-2023 01:40 PM
Correct, as I noted in my original post.
I am using the apix.cisco.com API endpoint. Tokens are generated just fine, but all requests to the Software Suggestions API are returning: <h1>s3ws.cloudapps.cisco.com</h1>, or : <html><body><b>Http/1.1 Service Unavailable</b></body> </html>, and not the information requested.
Since I'm using the migrated API, and its still not working - does Cisco have a response on when these will be working as expected?
05-16-2023 02:36 PM
Did you try the email/phone/forum support avenues described here? Might be worth a shot...
I will see if I can find out anything from here.
05-16-2023 02:38 PM
Yes, Yes, and this is the forum.
I have gotten nowhere with a resolution, and thank you.
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