11-11-2022 10:13 AM
I’m attempting to test the Auth API in postman but only ping is working. all other requests fail with the message: Missing request timestamp. found some good info here: https://community.duo.com/t/preauth-api-failing-but-check-and-ping-are-good/3125
but nothing related to this error. I’d like to use the API to manage prompts and enrollment. I can provide any additional info needed to resolve this.
11-14-2022 08:07 AM
How is your Postman prerequest script inserting the timestamp?
Here’s a good thread to read through: Preauth API failing but check and ping are good - #16 by Sushmita_Saha (ope I just realized it’s the same thread you linked).
11-14-2022 09:53 AM
Actually, I’m thinking I just do not understand the API usage at all. We use SimpleSAMLphp as our SAML IDP and we need a way to integrate Duo into it. The Web SDK seems difficult, so the API seemed like a good choice. check to see if enrolled, if not prompt them. my Pre-request script looks like this:
function getAuthHeader(httpMethod, requestUrl, requestBody) { console.log(requestBody); //body data console.log(httpMethod); // http type: POST, GET, ETC
var CLIENT_KEY = ‘Auth API Integration Key’;
var SECRET_KEY = ‘Auth API Secret Key’;
var moment = require(‘moment’)
//const moment= require(‘moment’);
/* Uncomment out lines below to use your test for getting correct formatted time and date */
var timestamp = moment().format(“ddd, DD MMM YYYY HH:mm:ss ZZ”);
//var timestamp = “Tue, 21 Aug 2012 17:29:18 -0600”; /* Only for example */
var hostname = “YYY-XXXXXXXX.duosecurity.com”;
var apicall = “/auth/v2/auth”
var body = “username=root” //sample username
var requestData = timestamp+“\n”+“POST”+“\n”+hostname+“\n”+apicall+“\n”+body;
var hmacDigest = CryptoJS.HmacSHA1(requestData, SECRET_KEY);
var prebase = CLIENT_KEY+“:”+hmacDigest;
var baseComplete = btoa(prebase);
var authHeader = "Basic "+baseComplete;
return authHeader;
postman.setEnvironmentVariable(‘hmacAuthHeader’, getAuthHeader(request[‘method’], request[‘url’], request[‘data’]));
My response is always:
“code”: 40103,
“message”: “Invalid signature in request credentials”,
“stat”: “FAIL”
I’m not even certain Anything I am doing is correct here.
11-15-2022 11:57 AM
I was running into this same issue with the /auth/v2/check API call. It took a lot of fiddling, but the two things that solved it for me were:
I spent a few hours trying to sort that out when their samples didn’t work out of the box, but after a lot of fiddling these two changes seem to take care of my issue with this same error.
Hope that helps!
04-24-2023 01:42 PM
Hi Scott - Can you explain clearly how you achieved this, I am trying to use the same script but seeing the error
code": 40103,
“message”: “Invalid signature in request credentials”,
“stat”: "FAIL
02-27-2025 05:58 AM
It's been 2 years, and I've seen several Postman workspaces with auth pre-request scripts that don't work. BOTH of your pieces of advice were what allowed me to get it to work. I can't believe it's been 2 years, and Cisco still hasn't actually documented these requirements. You're my hero today.
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