Hi All,
Im getting an error "Authentication Server not responding: No error" while testing my firewall with Tacacs server (ISE). Previously it was working fine and we have just replace the firewall with exact same configuration of previous one.
Below im providing my aaa configuration and please help me how to solve this issue.
aaa-server TACACS+ protocol tacacs+
reactivation-mode depletion deadtime 1
aaa-server TACACS+ (inside) host 10.235.xx.xx
timeout 2
key *****
aaa-server TACACS+ (inside) host 10.235.xx.xx
timeout 2
key *****
user-identity default-domain LOCAL
aaa authentication enable console TACACS+ LOCAL
aaa authentication ssh console TACACS+ LOCAL
aaa authentication serial console TACACS+ LOCAL
aaa authentication http console TACACS+ LOCAL
aaa authorization command TACACS+ LOCAL
aaa accounting enable console TACACS+
aaa accounting serial console TACACS+
aaa accounting ssh console TACACS+
aaa authorization exec authentication-server auto-enable