PIX 515 with VPN and des enabled running Ver. 6.1
I hv configured the pix for the CA cert server authentication using W2K Domain Controller and was unable to authenticate the cert server thru pix. The config was done using the following command mentioned below:
pix(config)# ca generate rsa specialkey rsa 512
For <key_modulus_size> >= 512, key generation could
take up to several minutes. Please wait.
pix(config)# ca identity caserver
pix(config)# ca configure caserver ca 1 20 crloptional
pix(config)# show ca mypubkey rsa
% Key pair was generated at: 13:00:09 UTC Jan 23 2003
Key name: pix.domain.net
Usage: Encryption Key
Key Data: XXXXX
pix(config)# ca authenticate caserver
After issuing the above said command, i can see neithier any attributes nor any finger prints. The same thing was also implemented on a router with FW based IOS where it generated an error msg "% Error in receiving Certificate Authority certificate: status = FAIL, cert length = 0".
What shud be the problem for the above mentioned and shall be of great help in resolving the same.