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Cisco Secure ACS 4.2 with Oracle

Level 1
Level 1

hi there...

Our campus using WisM (WS-SVC-WISM-1-K9) as wireless controller , Cisco  1130 access point and Cisco Secure ACS 4.2 Solution Engine 1113  Appliance as radius server. For username and password, ACS will export the data from Oracle database(production DB).

The problem that we are facing right now is password that store in oracle database is in  encrypted format. Base feedback from our database administrator, the  encryption is done by oracle - application layer and cannot be decrypt  back. In Oracle they call it "Oracle Stored Procedures"

My questions :

1- Can Cisco Secure ACS 4.2 work with Oracle 10G or 11G?

2- Is there any option to tackle the encrypted password? Can ACS handle the "Oracle Stored Procedures" function?

Please advice.


4 Replies 4

Level 1
Level 1

already solve it...need to use Cisco Secure ACS 4.2 for Windows ......It's has ODBC function to connect to Oracle database....Cisco Secure ACS Solution Engine don't have function to authentication against an Open Database Connectivity (ODBC) source.


Microsoft SQL Server and Case-Sensitive Passwords

If you want your passwords to be case sensitive and are using Microsoft SQL Server as your ODBC-compliant relational database, configure your SQL Server to accommodate this feature. If your users are authenticating by using PPP via PAP or Telnet login, the password might not be case sensitive, depending on how you set the case-sensitivity option on the SQL Server. For example, an Oracle database will default to case sensitive, whereas Microsoft SQL Server defaults to case insensitive. However, in the case of CHAP/ARAP, the password is case sensitive if you configured the CHAP stored procedure.

For example, with Telnet or PAP authentication, the passwords cisco or CISCO or CiScO will all work if you configure the SQL Server to be case insensitive.

For CHAP/ARAP, the passwords cisco or CISCO or CiScO are not the same, regardless of whether the SQL Server is configured for case-sensitive passwords.

Sample Routine for Generating a PAP Authentication SQL Procedure

The following example routine creates a procedure named CSNTAuthUserPap in Microsoft SQL Server, the default procedure that ACS uses for PAP authentication. Table and column names that could vary for your database schema appear in variable text. For your convenience, the ACS product CD includes a stub routine for creating a procedure in SQL Server or Oracle. For more information about data type definitions, procedure parameters, and procedure results, see ODBC Database.

                         if exists (select * from sysobjects where id = object_id (`dbo.CSNTAuthUserPap') and 
                         sysstat & 0xf = 4)drop procedure dbo.CSNTAuthUserPap 
                         CREATE PROCEDURE CSNTAuthUserPap 
                         @username varchar(64), @pass varchar(255) 
                         SET NOCOUNT ON 
                         IF EXISTS( SELECT  username 
                         FROM  users 
                         WHERE  username  = @username 
                         AND  csntpassword  = @pass ) 
                         SELECT 0,csntgroup,csntacctinfo,"No Error" 
                         FROM  users 
                         WHERE  username  = @username 
                         SELECT 3,0,"odbc","ODBC Authen Error" 
                         GRANT EXECUTE ON dbo.CSNTAuthUserPap TO ciscosecure 

Sample Routine for Generating an SQL CHAP Authentication Procedure

The following example routine creates in Microsoft SQL Server a procedure named CSNTExtractUserClearTextPw, the default procedure that ACS uses for CHAP/MS-CHAP/ARAP authentication. Table and column names that could vary for your database schema appear in variable text. For more information about data type definitions, procedure parameters, and procedure results, see ODBC Database.

                         if exists (select * from sysobjects where id = object_id(`dbo.CSNTExtractUserClearTextPw')  
                         and sysstat & 0xf = 4) drop procedure dbo.CSNTExtractUserClearTextPw 
                         CREATE PROCEDURE CSNTExtractUserClearTextPw 
                         @username varchar(64) 
                         SET NOCOUNT ON 
                         IF EXISTS( SELECT  username 
                         FROM  users 
                         WHERE  username  = @username ) 
                         SELECT 0,csntgroup,csntacctinfo,"No Error",csntpassword 
                         FROM  users 
                         WHERE  username  = @username 
                         SELECT 3,0,"odbc","ODBC Authen Error" 
                         GRANT EXECUTE ON dbo.CSNTExtractUserClearTextPw TO ciscosecure 

Sample Routine for Generating an EAP-TLS Authentication Procedure

The following example routine creates in Microsoft SQL Server a procedure named CSNTFindUser, the default procedure that ACS uses for EAP-TLS authentication. Table and column names that could vary for your database schema appear in variable text. For more information about data type definitions, procedure parameters, and procedure results, see ODBC Database.

                         if exists (select * from sysobjects where id = object_id(`dbo.CSNTFindUser') and  
                         sysstat & 0xf = 4) drop procedure dbo.CSNTFindUser 
                         CREATE PROCEDURE CSNTFindUser 
                         @username varchar(64) 
                         SET NOCOUNT ON 
                         IF EXISTS( SELECT  username 
                         FROM  users 
                         WHERE  username  = @username ) 
                         SELECT 0,csntgroup,csntacctinfo,"No Error" 
                         FROM  users 
                         WHERE  username  = @username 
                         SELECT 3,0,"odbc","ODBC Authen Error" 
                         GRANT EXECUTE ON dbo.CSNTFindUser TO ciscosecure 


weiyong wu
Level 1
Level 1

I met the same problem, wireless user authenticate with acs4.2.1 and oracle9i or 10 g ,

, acs with oracle;s odbc is successfully connected, but wireless user

cannot authenticate successfully through the oracle's data, I don't know how to configure the acs with oracle,can u share your configuration?

Jatin Katyal
Cisco Employee
Cisco Employee

To close the discussion:

ACS 4.2 is not tested with Oracle 10g and Oracle 11g officially.However, it may work.

ACS 4.2.1 supports Oracle database 10g. The following features are supported on Oracle database 10g:

    *ODBC logging

    *Authentication (PAP, CHAP)

ACS windows can handle "oracle stored procedure funtion.

Jatin Katyal

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