I have stack of 2950 switches. I have configure tacacs for login security purpose. but i am facing problem when i open CMS web interface. I am succussfully get authenticated. but its get hang when Discovering network information dialog box comes. If you close that session and reopen again then CMS working fine. Problem is that when I configure Network Access restriction group device for specific user. Then it halt at Discovering Network information. I am using Cisco ACS 3.0. Following my switch config.
aaa new-model
aaa authentication login default group tacacs+ local
aaa authentication enable default group tacacs+ enable
aaa authorization exec default group tacacs+ if-authenticated
aaa authorization commands 1 default group tacacs+ if-authenticated
aaa authorization commands 15 default group tacacs+ if-authenticated.
The only problem is CMS application getting hang with tacacs configuration . My IOS ver is 12.1(14)EA1A. Please help its very urgent.