I'm reposting over here from the wireless forum since this seems more of an ISE issue.
I’m having an issue setting up the Guest Port Access for our wireless network.
I’m trying to setup an SSID anchored in the DMZ for internet access only. The authentication to this would be granted via the ISE Guest Access Portal.
I’ve got the SSID created and tested working with no authentication.
When I enable the Guest Portal (per these instructions http://www.cisco.com/en/US/products/ps10315/products_tech_note09186a0080bba10d.shtml), I can login and create a guest account. Have the guest go to the portal, login, hit ‘I accept’, but then instead of redirecting them to whatever page they tried to access, it sends them back to the guest login page (with still no access to the network resources).
Attached is what the log in ISE looks like.
tlaptop1 is the guest login that I used for the test machine. Again, it accepted that login with no issue giving me the usage policy and once I hit 'I agree', it stalls and I get all the failures as I've shown here.
Please ignore the red lines - those are not applicable to this issue.
Am I missing a simple setting somewhere?