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ISE 1.1.1 Sponsor Portal - Button "Clear Filter" appeares twice

Andreas Jaeger
Level 1
Level 1

I think I discovered a Bug with the Button labels when displaying Guest Users in the Sponsor Portal.

When using Internet Explorer (tested 7 and 9) both butons are labeled "Clear Filter".

It apears the same in every language template.

When using Firefox (16.x) everything is ok.

I added a screenshot to make clear which buttons are affected.

3 Replies 3

Venkatesh Attuluri
Cisco Employee
Cisco Employee


You can access the Cisco ISE administrative  user interface using the following browsers:

•Mozilla Firefox 3.6 (applicable for  Windows, Mac OS X, and Linux-based operating systems)

•Mozilla FireFox 9 (applicable for Windows,  Mac OS X, and Linux-based operating systems)

•Windows Internet Explorer  8

•Windows Internet Explorer 9 (in Internet  Explorer 8 compatibility mode)

Note Cisco ISE GUI is not supported on  Internet Explorer version 8 running in Internet Explorer 7 compatibility mode.  For a collection of known issues regarding Windows Internet Explorer 8, see the  "Known Issues" section of the Release Notes for Cisco Identity Services Engine,  Release 1.1.x

Are you kidding?

•Mozilla Firefox 3.6 - outdated Mar 2011

•Mozilla FireFox 9 - outdated Jan 2012

Current Version: 22

•Windows Internet Explorer 8 - outdated Mar 2011

•Windows Internet Explorer 9 - outdated Okt 2012

Current Version: 11

Isn't ISE a current Cisco Product?

Why doesn't it support current (secure) browser versions?!

maybe you need to upgrade ISE to get better support for browsers.

1.1.1 is quite old release should date back to 2012 SEP so it is not kidding:)

Sent from Cisco Technical Support iPad App