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ISE AWS SFTP Transfer to S3 Issue

Level 1
Level 1

I am trying to setup SFTP transfer service to S3 in my AWS deployment of ISE.  I've tried to run backups and the ISE states they were sucessful.  However, when I check the S3 bucket there are no files to be found.  I turned on debug file transfer via CLI and see the below error.  I am using PKI as the method of authentication and I've uploaded the generated pub key to my SFTP user in AWS.  

ISE-01/iseuser#show repository CONFIG-Backup
6 [717196]:[info] transfer: cars_xfer.c[333] [system]: sftp dir of repository CONFIG-Backup requested
6 [717196]:[info] transfer: cars_xfer_util.c[2643] [system]: Server validation successful x.x.x.x
7 [717196]:[debug] transfer: sftp_handler.c[1270] [system]: Running sftp command: x.x.x.x isesftpuser *** /ise-repo/ ls -l /ise-repo/
3 [717196]:[error] transfer: sftp_handler.c[1094] [system]: sftp_run_parent Error: sftp_run_parent failed to read passphrase

5 Replies 5

Hall of Fame
Hall of Fame


  - Checkout  (corrected)
    presumably settings will remain the same for your ISE version , 


-- Each morning when I wake up and look into the mirror I always say ' Why am I so brilliant ? '
    When the mirror will then always repond to me with ' The only thing that exceeds your brilliance is your beauty! '

This is the exact same video I used to set this all up.  I have reviewed it several times to make sure I followed the steps correctly.


             - Is the Cisco-ISE version sufficiently recent ?


-- Each morning when I wake up and look into the mirror I always say ' Why am I so brilliant ? '
    When the mirror will then always repond to me with ' The only thing that exceeds your brilliance is your beauty! '

I'm running version


              - I think you will need to invoke Cisco's TAC then (if desired)


-- Each morning when I wake up and look into the mirror I always say ' Why am I so brilliant ? '
    When the mirror will then always repond to me with ' The only thing that exceeds your brilliance is your beauty! '