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ISE Indexing Engine is not running.

Level 1
Level 1

I get an error in the ISE console indicating the ISE Indexing Engine is not running.

When I run show application status ise in the cli I get the below screen shot.

Screen Shot 2017-11-02 at 9.53.04 AM.png

I have tried to start and stop the ISE as well as rebooting the ISE appliance.

Can anyone provide info on how to resolve this issue.

21 Replies 21

same issue....

dns records are persist/ Certificates installed, time zone, NTP correct....

tried luck(

ise/admin# ping ise
PING ise ( 56(84) bytes of data.
64 bytes from icmp_seq=1 ttl=64 time=0.028 ms
64 bytes from icmp_seq=2 ttl=64 time=0.028 ms
64 bytes from icmp_seq=3 ttl=64 time=0.020 ms
64 bytes from icmp_seq=4 ttl=64 time=0.039 ms

--- ise ping statistics ---
4 packets transmitted, 4 received, 0% packet loss, time 3001ms
rtt min/avg/max/mdev = 0.020/0.028/0.039/0.009 ms

ise/admin# sh clock
Mon Jun 17 14:39:34 MSK 2019

ise/admin# sh ntp
Configured NTP Servers:

synchronised to NTP server ( at stratum 3
time correct to within 474 ms
polling server every 64 s

remote refid st t when poll reach delay offset jitter
============================================================================== .LOCL. 10 l 87 64 76 0.000 0.000 0.000
+ 2 u 13 64 77 2.341 -3.561 0.318
+ 2 u 12 64 77 0.555 -0.015 0.635
* 2 u 14 64 77 0.581 -2.561 0.628

i fixed it

ise/admin# application configure ise

Selection configuration option
[1]Reset M&T Session Database
[2]Rebuild M&T Unusable Indexes
[3]Purge M&T Operational Data
[4]Reset M&T Database
[5]Refresh Database Statistics
[6]Display Profiler Statistics
[7]Export Internal CA Store
[8]Import Internal CA Store
[9]Create Missing Config Indexes
[10]Create Missing M&T Indexes
[11]Enable/Disable ACS Migration
[12]Generate Daily KPM Stats
[13]Generate KPM Stats for last 8 Weeks
[14]Enable/Disable Counter Attribute Collection
[15]View Admin Users
[16]Get all Endpoints
[17]Enable/Disable Wifi Setup
[18]Reset Config Wifi Setup
[19]Establish Trust with controller
[20]Reset Context Visibility
[21]Synchronize Context Visibility With Database
[22]Generate Heap Dump
[23]Generate Thread Dump
[24]Force Backup Cancellation

This will synchronize Context Visibility with database. Do you want to proceed [y/n]: y
Copying files
  - Done
Changing permissions
  - Done
Exporting endpoints from database
  - Done
Importing endpoints into context visibility
  - Done
Synchronization of Context Visibility with Oracle is successful

Selection configuration option
[1]Reset M&T Session Database
[2]Rebuild M&T Unusable Indexes
[3]Purge M&T Operational Data
[4]Reset M&T Database
[5]Refresh Database Statistics
[6]Display Profiler Statistics
[7]Export Internal CA Store
[8]Import Internal CA Store
[9]Create Missing Config Indexes
[10]Create Missing M&T Indexes
[11]Enable/Disable ACS Migration
[12]Generate Daily KPM Stats
[13]Generate KPM Stats for last 8 Weeks
[14]Enable/Disable Counter Attribute Collection
[15]View Admin Users
[16]Get all Endpoints
[17]Enable/Disable Wifi Setup
[18]Reset Config Wifi Setup
[19]Establish Trust with controller
[20]Reset Context Visibility
[21]Synchronize Context Visibility With Database
[22]Generate Heap Dump
[23]Generate Thread Dump
[24]Force Backup Cancellation

ise/admin# reload
Save the current ADE-OS running configuration? (yes/no) [yes] ? y
Please enter yes or no
Save the current ADE-OS running configuration? (yes/no) [yes] ? yes
Generating configuration...
Saved the ADE-OS running configuration to startup successfully
Continue with reboot? [y/n] y

Broadcast message from root@ise (pts/1) (Tue Jun 18 08:27:38 2019):

Trying to stop processes gracefully. Reload might take approximately 3 mins

Broadcast message from root@ise (pts/1) (Tue Jun 18 08:27:38 2019):

Trying to stop processes gracefully. Reload might take approximately 3 mins

Broadcast message from root@ise (pts/1) (Tue Jun 18 08:29:21 2019):

The system is going down for reboot NOW

Broadcast message from root@ise (pts/1) (Tue Jun 18 08:29:21 2019):

The system is going down for reboot NOW

Connection was reset.

Last login: Tue Jun 18 08:20:35 2019 from
Failed to log in 0 time(s)
ise/admin# sh app sta ise

ISE PROCESS NAME                       STATE            PROCESS ID  
Database Listener                      running          2406        
Database Server                        running          66 PROCESSES
Application Server                     initializing                 
Profiler Database                      running          4847        
ISE Indexing Engine                    running          13383       
AD Connector                           not running                  
M&T Session Database                   running          4441        
M&T Log Processor                      running          11176       
Certificate Authority Service          not running                  
EST Service                            not running                  
SXP Engine Service                     disabled                     
Docker Daemon                          running          5645        
TC-NAC Service                         disabled        

Wifi Setup Helper Container            disabled                     
pxGrid Infrastructure Service          disabled                     
pxGrid Publisher Subscriber Service    disabled                     
pxGrid Connection Manager              disabled                     
pxGrid Controller                      disabled                     
PassiveID WMI Service                  not running                  
PassiveID Syslog Service               not running                  
PassiveID API Service                  not running                  
PassiveID Agent Service                not running                  
PassiveID Endpoint Service             not running                  
PassiveID SPAN Service                 not running                  
DHCP Server (dhcpd)                    disabled                     
DNS Server (named)                     disabled                     
ISE Messaging Service                  running          6162        

ise/admin# sh app sta ise

ISE PROCESS NAME                       STATE            PROCESS ID  
Database Listener                      running          2406        
Database Server                        running          75 PROCESSES
Application Server                     running          11004       
Profiler Database                      running          4847        
ISE Indexing Engine                    running          6617        
AD Connector                           running          22189       
M&T Session Database                   running          4441        
M&T Log Processor                      running          11176       
Certificate Authority Service          running          18394       
EST Service                            running          31272       
SXP Engine Service                     disabled                     
Docker Daemon                          running          5645        
TC-NAC Service                         disabled        

Wifi Setup Helper Container            disabled                     
pxGrid Infrastructure Service          disabled                     
pxGrid Publisher Subscriber Service    disabled                     
pxGrid Connection Manager              disabled                     
pxGrid Controller                      disabled                     
PassiveID WMI Service                  running          18897       
PassiveID Syslog Service               running          19440       
PassiveID API Service                  running          20228       
PassiveID Agent Service                running          20831       
PassiveID Endpoint Service             running          21271       
PassiveID SPAN Service                 running          21841       
DHCP Server (dhcpd)                    disabled                     
DNS Server (named)                     disabled                     
ISE Messaging Service                  running          6162        


wrong...after some time...
ise/admin# sh app sta ise

Database Listener running 2406
Database Server running 70 PROCESSES
Application Server running 11004
Profiler Database running 4847
ISE Indexing Engine not running
AD Connector running 22189
M&T Session Database running 4441
M&T Log Processor running 11176
Certificate Authority Service running 18394
EST Service running 31272
SXP Engine Service disabled
Docker Daemon running 5645
TC-NAC Service disabled

Wifi Setup Helper Container disabled
pxGrid Infrastructure Service disabled
pxGrid Publisher Subscriber Service disabled
pxGrid Connection Manager disabled
pxGrid Controller disabled
PassiveID WMI Service running 18897
PassiveID Syslog Service running 19440
PassiveID API Service running 20228
PassiveID Agent Service running 20831
PassiveID Endpoint Service running 21271
PassiveID SPAN Service running 21841
DHCP Server (dhcpd) disabled
DNS Server (named) disabled
ISE Messaging Service running 6162

Please open a tac case and update thread

any resolution yet EvgenyG?

DNS is not resolved properly. try nslookup to see PTR value. in my environment reverse dns not working. click health check to see the issue. after that 

ise/admin# application configure ise

20 & 21 separately. than reload the ise.