01-31-2024 11:17 AM
Good morning/evening/time of day,
In our current environment our "back end" team and our "wireless" team recently converted our AP's from MAB authentication to 8x. The majority of our AP's converted over fine and are functioning without fail. These AP's that fail show correct dot1x in ISE but on switch will show constantly flipping between dot1x which will fail, then to mab. I can't find a difference. We can allow MAB on the ise profile and it will auth but the goal is to keep them to dot1x.
I can run tcpdump from ise and use the radius t/s tool in the diagnostics tools and see the requests hitting ISE. I can also run dot1x debug from the switch and i receive this (ntp time has since been corrected) so it appears to be talking to the server. Running an aaa test from the switches in question with a functional account is successful. A device tracking/sensor profile is also feeding ISE the APs LLDP information for policy sorting.
Am i missing something simple here or could someone suggest further troubleshooting i may be overlooking?
Mar 24 19:43:24.002 edt: dot1x-sm:[2462.cecb.04fe, Gi0/2] Posting EAPOL_EAP for 0x3E000FDE
Mar 24 19:43:24.002 edt: dot1x_auth_bend Gi0/2: during state auth_bend_request, got event 6(eapolEap)
Mar 24 19:43:24.002 edt: @@@ dot1x_auth_bend Gi0/2: auth_bend_request -> auth_bend_response
Mar 24 19:43:24.002 edt: dot1x-sm:[2462.cecb.04fe, Gi0/2] 0x3E000FDE:entering response state
Mar 24 19:43:24.002 edt: dot1x-ev:[2462.cecb.04fe, Gi0/2] Response sent to the server from 0x3E000FDE
Mar 24 19:43:24.002 edt: dot1x-sm:[2462.cecb.04fe, Gi0/2] 0x3E000FDE:request response action
Mar 24 19:43:24.023 edt: dot1x-sm:[2462.cecb.04fe, Gi0/2] Posting EAP_REQ for 0x3E000FDE
Mar 24 19:43:24.023 edt: dot1x_auth_bend Gi0/2: during state auth_bend_response, got event 7(eapReq)
Mar 24 19:43:24.023 edt: @@@ dot1x_auth_bend Gi0/2: auth_bend_response -> auth_bend_request
Mar 24 19:43:24.023 edt: dot1x-sm:[2462.cecb.04fe, Gi0/2] 0x3E000FDE:exiting response state
Mar 24 19:43:24.023 edt: dot1x-sm:[2462.cecb.04fe, Gi0/2] 0x3E000FDE:entering request state
Mar 24 19:43:24.023 edt: dot1x-ev:[2462.cecb.04fe, Gi0/2] Sending EAPOL packet
Mar 24 19:43:24.023 edt: dot1x-registry:registry:dot1x_ether_macaddr called
Mar 24 19:43:24.023 edt: dot1x-ev:[2462.cecb.04fe, Gi0/2] Sending out EAPOL packet to MAC 2462.cecb.04fe
Mar 24 19:43:24.027 edt: dot1x-packet:EAPOL pak Tx - Ver: 0x3 type: 0x0
Mar 24 19:43:24.027 edt: dot1x-packet: length: 0x001E
Mar 24 19:43:24.027 edt: dot1x-packet:EAP code: 0x1 id: 0x4E length: 0x001E
Mar 24 19:43:24.027 edt: dot1x-packet: type: 0x37
Mar 24 19:43:24.027 edt: dot1x-packet:[2462.cecb.04fe, Gi0/2] EAPOL packet sent to client 0x3E000FDE
Mar 24 19:43:24.027 edt: dot1x-sm:[2462.cecb.04fe, Gi0/2] 0x3E000FDE:response request action
Mar 24 19:43:24.041 edt: dot1x-packet:[2462.cecb.04fe, Gi0/2] Queuing an EAPOL pkt on Authenticator Q
Mar 24 19:43:24.041 edt: dot1x-packet:EAPOL pak rx - Ver: 0x1 type: 0x0
The switch is confiqured as followed:
switchport access vlan 253
switchport mode access
switchport block unicast
authentication host-mode multi-domain
authentication order dot1x mab
authentication priority dot1x mab
authentication port-control auto
authentication periodic
authentication timer reauthenticate server
authentication violation restrict
dot1x pae authenticator
dot1x timeout tx-period 10
storm-control broadcast level bps 20m
storm-control unicast level bps 62m
spanning-tree portfast edge
spanning-tree bpduguard enable
spanning-tree guard root
Global config:
auth mac-move permit
dot1x system auth-control
Triple AAA:
aaa new-model
aaa group server tacacs+ ISE_TACACS
server name ISE-PSN-1
server name ISE-PSN-2
ip tacacs source-interface Vlan2100
aaa group server radius ISE_RADIUS
server name ISE-PSN-1
server name ISE-PSN-2
ip radius source-interface Vlan2100
aaa authentication login TAC_AUTHEN group ISE_TACACS local
aaa authentication enable default group ISE_TACACS enable
aaa authentication dot1x default group ISE_RADIUS
aaa authorization console
aaa authorization config-commands
aaa authorization exec TAC_AUTHOR group ISE_TACACS local if-authenticated
aaa authorization commands 15 TAC_AUTHOR group ISE_TACACS if-authenticated
aaa authorization network default group ISE_RADIUS
aaa accounting update newinfo
aaa accounting auth-proxy default start-stop group ISE_RADIUS
aaa accounting dot1x default start-stop group ISE_RADIUS
aaa accounting exec TAC_ACCT start-stop broadcast group ISE_TACACS
aaa accounting commands 15 TAC_ACCT start-stop broadcast group ISE_TACACS
aaa server radius dynamic-author
client x.x.10.13 server-key 7 054A422A22594C2C1D07051D5A5E577E
client x.x.10.12 server-key 7 041A4F230C344E6B0D1B171843595F50
client x.x.10.11 server-key 7 100F4D3C0602102E08063824757A6061
client x.x.10.10 server-key 7 054A422A22594C2C1D07051D5A5E577E
radius config:
radius-server attribute 6 on-for-login-auth
radius-server attribute 6 support-multiple
radius-server attribute 8 include-in-access-req
radius-server attribute 25 access-request include
radius-server dead-criteria time 10 tries 3
radius-server deadtime 15
radius server ISE-PSN-1
address ipv4 x.x.10.12 auth-port 1645 acct-port 1646
key 7 1456562E0F11280E202A213A73415442
radius server ISE-PSN-2
address ipv4 x.x.10.13 auth-port 1812 acct-port 1813
key 7 054A422A22594C2C1D07051D5A5E577E
01-31-2024 11:24 AM
You need to auth the AP not wifi client via SW?
This AP is local mode or flex mode?
02-01-2024 05:36 AM
Good morning,
Thanks for the response.
The AP's are in a local mode and connect via to a WLC (aruba). We are in this case authing the AP's via ISE before they handle the usual tunnel / exit from the controller of the vlans and the controller handles the clients. This has been working fine for us in MAB auth for ages, and is working fine for us where the AP's are working with 8x.
01-31-2024 01:37 PM
As @MHM Cisco World correctly asked, is the WAP configured to be in local mode or Flex - looking at your switch config, the access mode would indicate that you are not in Flexconnect, and your WAPs are creating a CAPWAP tunnel back to the WLC. Hence, access VLAN is all you need. That would be correct in that case.
The command
authentication host-mode multi-domain
is strictly speaking only for switchports that need one DATA MAC address, and one VOICE MAC address - check what MAC addresses your're learning on that switch interface
show mac address int gig0/2
and if you only see the MAC address of the Cisco WAP, then you can change the host-mode to
authentication host-mode single-host
But that's not the issue here. The issue is why the WAP is failing 802.1X and you can get that reason in ISE, in Live Logs details. Show us an example of what ISE is reporting when 802.1X fails. Perhaps those WAPs don't trust the ISE EAP certificate, or the 802.1X supplicant has not been provisioned correctly. In that case, the WAP is doing the right thing, it fails-back to non-802.1X mode and tries again, and again ... until you fix the issue.
02-01-2024 06:30 AM - edited 02-01-2024 06:31 AM
Hi arnie,
Thanks for the response. I deploy auth host-mode multi-domain in my template for user facing ports to support VOIP users. I've never had an issue with it being left on AP ports as there's only one device and no tag/untag going on, so for ease of configuration it remains. I can confirm that changing it to either of cisco's three options makes no difference, and only the AP's mac is visible on the port.
When i check in ISE endpoints, it reports 8x auth.
The live logs seem to report similar, I've blanked out corporate naming convention per policy.
Authentication Details
Source Timestamp | 2024-02-01 08:25:17.522 |
Received Timestamp | 2024-02-01 08:25:17.522 |
Policy Server | ise-psn-1 |
Event | 5200 Authentication succeeded |
Username | <Our Username> |
Endpoint Id | 24:62:CE:CB:04:FE |
Calling Station Id | 24-62-CE-CB-04-FE |
Endpoint Profile | Aruba-AP-515_3560CX |
IPv4 Address | x.x.x.x |
Authentication Identity Store | <OUR AD> |
Identity Group | Aruba-AP-515_3560CX |
Audit Session Id | 9D8D00EF00000602B583F598 |
Authentication Method | dot1x |
Authentication Protocol | PEAP (EAP-MSCHAPv2) |
However, switch is still flapping between the two.
02-01-2024 06:34 AM
Ok the AP dont run any Radio now and you only auth the AP.
Can i see from SW
Show authentication session interface x details
02-01-2024 06:55 AM
Sure thing,
here it is authed over to mab. The dot1x fails over almost immediately.
Interface: GigabitEthernet0/2
MAC Address: 2462.cecb.04fe
IPv6 Address: Unknown
IPv4 Address: x.x.66.187
User-Name: 24-62-CE-CB-04-FE
Status: Authorized
Domain: DATA
Oper host mode: multi-domain
Oper control dir: both
Session timeout: 1800s (server), Remaining: 1760s
Timeout action: Reauthenticate
Restart timeout: N/A
Periodic Acct timeout: N/A
Session Uptime: 71s
Common Session ID: 9D8D00EF0000061CB5CCF94F
Acct Session ID: 0x000012E9
Handle: 0x8D00022A
Current Policy: POLICY_Gi0/2
Local Policies:
Service Template: DEFAULT_LINKSEC_POLICY_SHOULD_SECURE (priority 150)
Security Policy: Should Secure
Security Status: Link Unsecure
Server Policies:
Vlan Group: Vlan: 66
ACS ACL: xACSACLx-IP-Aruba_AP_MAB_3560-63c6bae1
Method status list:
Method State
dot1x Stopped
mab Authc Success
02-01-2024 07:08 AM
No need friend
You mention that you change the AP from MAB to 802.1x but as I see the auth success is for MAB and 802.1x is stopped.
02-01-2024 07:11 AM
Common Session ID: <<- there number appear here in show authentication session check it in ISE live logs.
02-01-2024 07:16 AM
Yes, that is my point of confusion. The ISE live logs (and end point details) report dot1x, but the switch is constantly trying to do dot1x and flapping between dot1x and mab. Of course, this means tunnel to controller is never built.
Has this is only occurring with a handful of our APs, i am starting to think it is a issue with the particular AP config. However person in charge of this insists the APs are all built from the same template so i am doing my due diligence to say it is not the switches.
02-01-2024 07:23 AM
I dont think it issue of AP is issue of ISE the wire conditional you use for auth is same and hence the MAB is auth and then 802.1x
that my guess
but you can sure by look to common session ID, if it same and the auth-policy is for PEAP then OK if the common session ID is different then the ISE is auth the AP via MAB.
02-01-2024 07:25 AM
For instance i just moved over to my SSH workstation across the room, and same AP is now:
Interface: GigabitEthernet0/2
MAC Address: 2462.cecb.04fe
IPv6 Address: Unknown
IPv4 Address: Unknown
User-Name: 1nnaruba
Status: Authorized
Domain: DATA
Oper host mode: multi-domain
Oper control dir: both
Session timeout: 3600s (server), Remaining: 3200s
Timeout action: Reauthenticate
Restart timeout: N/A
Periodic Acct timeout: N/A
Session Uptime: 402s
Common Session ID: 9D8D00EF0000061CB5CCF94F
Acct Session ID: 0x0000132B
Handle: 0x8D00022A
Current Policy: POLICY_Gi0/2
Local Policies:
Service Template: DEFAULT_LINKSEC_POLICY_SHOULD_SECURE (priority 150)
Security Policy: Should Secure
Security Status: Link Unsecure
Server Policies:
Vlan Group: Vlan: 155
SGT Value: 16
Method status list:
Method State
dot1x Authc Success
02-01-2024 07:31 AM
and the VLAN is change form 66 to 155 (is that OK) if not this can keyfactor to check the issue in ISE
and the dot1x is authc success perfect
02-01-2024 07:45 AM
Hi, i'am not sure on the vlan. I don't have ability to see the actual rules built out in ISE.
However the session ID was the same, and when i punched it into live logs i got back both the eap and mab auth back to back. I guess i need to go have a word with our network defense guys about whatever policies they are running.
02-01-2024 06:36 AM
In additon, here is the authentication log. I've had to remove some coporate information here as well.
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