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Problem adding Active Directory on ISE 2.7

Hello all,


I have a issue related to add a  External Identity Sources on ISE.


Screenshot from 2021-05-21 12-59-26.png


When I click on Add nothing happens, I tried this with IE, Edge, Firefox and Chrome, and the behavior is the same.


I tried my luck clicking in the tools buttom and adding from here (Image below):


Screenshot from 2021-05-21 13-00-54.png


But anything happens again (image below):


Screenshot from 2021-05-21 13-02-43.png


So, what I'm doing wrong? This is a well-known browser issue? or is a ISE 2.7 well-known issue?


And how can I fix this issue, because I'm stuck?


Thanks in advance


13 Replies 13


I think you may need to restart ISE in CLI . =_=

I also had page display problems in ISE2.4 before. I couldn’t do nothing except restart. Everything was normal after restart.

It's possible to add the AD from the CLI? Because from the Browser it's impossible. I restart my VM more than 20 times or so.

it’s not possible, at least for now.

Cisco ISE runs on the Cisco Application Deployment Engine operating system (ADEOS), which is based on Red Hat Enterprise Linux (RHEL),Most of the operations need to be implemented through WEBUI.


CLI only contains some commands for system check or management, like this:↓

isea/admin# application ?
  configure     Configure application
  install       Install An Application Bundle
  remove        Uninstall An Application
  reset-config  Reset application configuration to factory defaults
  reset-passwd  Reset application password for specified user
  start         Start an Application
  stop          Stop an Application
  upgrade       Upgrade An Application Bundle

isea/admin# application config ise

Selection configuration option
[1]Reset M&T Session Database
[2]Rebuild M&T Unusable Indexes
[3]Purge M&T Operational Data
[4]Reset M&T Database
[5]Refresh Database Statistics
[6]Display Profiler Statistics
[7]Export Internal CA Store
[8]Import Internal CA Store
[9]Create Missing Config Indexes
[10]Create Missing M&T Indexes
[11]Enable/Disable ACS Migration
[12]Generate Daily KPM Stats
[13]Generate KPM Stats for last 8 Weeks
[14]Enable/Disable Counter Attribute Collection
[15]View Admin Users
[16]Get all Endpoints
[17]Enable/Disable Wifi Setup
[18]Reset Config Wifi Setup
[19]Establish Trust with controller
[20]Reset Context Visibility
[21]Synchronize Context Visibility With Database
[22]Generate Heap Dump
[23]Generate Thread Dump
[24]Force Backup Cancellation
[25]CleanUp ESR 5921 IOS Crash Info Files


Add AD can only be through WEBUI, it is better to schedule a restart


 please ... at Administration > Identity Management > External Identity Sources, select Active Directory, select the Cogwheel and click the Create Active Directory Instance:



Hope this helps !!!



I already tried this option, I forget to mention, but the issue is that when I click Submit it's suppose that a new windows to put Administrator credentials show up, but nothing happens, I tried several times, I don't understand what happens....


Any idea to solve this issue?


Thanks in advance



Hi ;


Did you try with Waterfox , when you type show application  status ise , is all necessary process running

also did you try to stop ise and restart application stop ise and application start ise

Hi Nadia,


I follow your suggestion, but not work:

Screenshot from 2021-05-23 16-51-05.png


Also see the show application status ise:

Screenshot from 2021-05-23 16-52-58.png


Any idea to solve the error?


Error: Unable to load status:400

Screenshot from 2021-05-23 16-54-22.png

Thanks in advance


Hi ;


Hi , try with version ise 3.0 is more stable and is recommendation version by cisco


I found this related defect CSCvw37496 that could be potentially affecting your ISE, however at this point it is better to report the issue with TAC. 

Cisco Employee
Cisco Employee

Confirm if you are using any AD Block extension in your browser (if you do, then disable it), it is well known behavior for AD GUI options won't show up if you have this.

Thank you!

Ping Zhou
Level 8
Level 8

What patch level is with this ISE 2.7? I couldn't really tell... But just an FYI... We just brought up ISE 2.7 last week and installed patch 3. We didn't experience this problem while working on AD Join for the nodes.

Level 1
Level 1

I am facing the same issue on ISE 3.2 patch 5.

Anyone found the solutions to it? I have tried with several browsers. Still unable to pop up the Add Button from AD ISE.