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Problem redirection guest portal with google chrom

Level 1
Level 1


We are using ISE 3.0 patch 4 for guest access, and are encountering an issue with the redirection process on PC and phone devices. After connecting to the guest SSID, device detects the captive portal and will launch the edge browser by default and you successfully get redirected to the Guest Portal page. The browser is redirecting to the guest poratl However, if I change the default browser to "Chrome", I dont get redirected to the guest portal ,

8 Replies 8

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is this port using FQDN or IP address to redirect ?


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is using IP address to redirect

are you able to access that ip portal normally ?



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However, if I change the default browser to "Chrome", I dont get redirected to the guest portal ,

-I am assuming that your browser configuration settings between Chrome and Edge are different.  One thing to check, make sure that the identity cert presented is in the Chrome trust store.  What happens if you manually open chrome and attempt to hit portal? Do you get certificate warnings?  After this I would do a comparison of settings between the browsers.  HTH!

hi Mike ,

I have not configured anything in the edge or internet explorer just I put it as a default browser, and this portal is for the guest users so I cannot put the identity cert in the chrome store for every guest as known the guest they use also their phone, and when I manually open chrome yes I get the portal

Make sure your portal IP is in the IP SAN field of the certificate.  

hii ,

it is obligatory

Are you using a self-signed digital certificate in ISE?

Are you using a public CA-signed certificate in ISE?

If the browser does not trust ISE, it may not want to connect.