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Cisco Network Registrar 7.2 and MS Lync

Level 1
Level 1

I manage a Network Registrar service and I am looking to add new options to support MS Lync. I've been given options 42, 43 and 120 to implement, but I'm having problems with option 43. I've defined the vendor option through the gui, but when I try to assign a value, I get (EX_INVALID_ARG). Any ideas on what's expected for this field (other than binary)?


2 Replies 2

Vinod Arya
Cisco Employee
Cisco Employee

Not a CNR expert, but was just checking and it seems the Optin 43 is the id (option number).

You can try to configure it via nrcmd (CLI).

nrcmd> scope-policy Wireless_AP_1 setvendoroption 43 apc1550 "(241,"


Which matches the nrcmd command:

scope-policy setVendorOption

So, 43 is the id (option number), apc1550 is the opt-set-name and is the string. It accepts it with or without the parentheses.

In the Web UI you select the vendor option set (in above nrcmd this is apc1550) from the pull-down list under “DHCPv4 Vendor Options”, click on Select, the select the option name/number (43), and then you must enter the remainder:

In the “Value” field which in this case uses the following syntax:

                apc1550 241,


                (apc1550 241,

So the syntax depends on where it is entered (nrcmd vs web ui).

There may also be subtle differences in some CNR versions.


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Thanks Vinod.

I ended up going back and redefining the vendor option from scratch, and then trying to enter just the first portion of the option, as hex. That seems to have worked. I then tried the whole string and that worked as well. Now I just have to find a way to test it.

Thanks again.

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