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LMS 3.2 new install on Windows 2008

Level 1
Level 1


I finished installing the eval version of LMS 3.2 on a new Windows 2008 server. I manually adjusted the Pagefile size and managed to get the services to start, as suggested elsewhere in this forum. I now manage to get the login screen, but once I enter the login credentials, IE responds with ' Internet Explorer cannot display the webpage '.

I get this from a client and from the server browser itself. Not sure where to go from here....


26 Replies 26

Ok you can reset casuser by executing the file:

resetcasuser.exe. You need to use a local admin account for this.

1.Stop Daemons

c:\net stop crmdmgtd

2. Run the resetcasuser at NMSROOT\CSCOpx\setup\support

3. Start the Daemon.

c:\net start crmdmgtd

You can set the passwords to watever you like.

It's interesting that this issue happens if you do the install with a local admin user it should not.

Try resetting casuser and tell us how it went.

I have just tried reseting the password for user casuser with NO change to the issue described. Can't get the main page to load after the login. Are there instrucitons to ensure that the SSL is configured correctly? I saw it somewhere in this forum but can't find it now for some reason. I am willing to try anything at this point...

Should I have installed a Certificate after the install on the server? The Browser on the client is indicating a Certificate Error. I followed the prompts to Install the Certificate etc... but no change...

You may have been affected by: CSCtb17186 Redirection error thrown trying to login to LMS.

Try the following:

1. stop lms: net stop crmdmgtd

2.Run regedit.exe and add or modify the following registry key DWORDs:


Settings\Zones\0\1A10 : DWORD : 0


Settings\Zones\1\1A10 : DWORD : 0


Settings\Zones\2\1A10 : DWORD : 1


Settings\Zones\3\1A10 : DWORD : 1


Settings\Zones\4\1A10 : DWORD : 3

3. Restart LMS : net start crmdmgtd.

If those steps dont help here is how to regenerate the SSL certs and disable SSL if you like:

1. Stop services: net stop crmdmgtd

2. Go to the directory NMSROOT\MDC\Apache\conf\ssl and delete the four files that start with server.*

3. Now regenerate the certificate, first run the commands:

Go to NMSROOT\bin\:

perl.exe NMSROOT\MDC\Apache\ -disable

perl.exe NMSROOT\MDC\Apache\ -enable

(If you want to use https for login, then leave it at this. If you want to use http, then run the -disable command again)

4. Start services: net start crmdmgtd

I will try this tomorrow and report back. I just read through the related article you linked above and it says that you must ensure that SP1 is loaded and not SP2 on the Windows 2008 server. I have SP2 loaded on the server. Is SP2 not suported? Should I still proceed with your recommendations above with SP2 loaded or should I roll back to SP1?

You are correct about SP2. Please install SP1.

I would suggest that you try the previous suggestions first, before going back to SP1, just in case.

I have uninstalled SP2. The server now reports only having SP1 loaded. Secondly, I tried the Reg edits above and was NOT able to make the changes. Each Zone number did not have \1A10 below it. Therefore I had nothing to modify. Thirdly, I followed the proceedure to regenerate the SSL Certificate successfully. I still get the same error attempting to login using http and port 1741 after the login. However, when trying to access the server now with Https://, The Forbidden error, as previously noted, has gone away. I now get the LMS Login page...I log in and then get the standard IE error 'Internet Explorer cannot display the webpage'.

I'm experiencing the same issue that everyone on this forum topic is experiencing I just open a TAC Case.

If the regedit entries are not there, you need to add them.

Have you done a resetcasuser again on the server after you uninstalled SP2? Let the system generate the casuser password.

I have a TAC case open on this now. Current status is that they are checking with the Development team on my issue. Currently waiting for next steps.

In the end once we made these REGEDTS, as recommended, I was able to successfully login and get to the home page... Thanks for all your help!

Excellent, I guess you can mark this resolved.

I´ve had the exact same issue on a  Win 2008 x64 Enterprise SP2 Server

I´ve added those entries to the registry and the Portal is now accessible. Thank you.