Hi all,
Recently I have replaced 2 4400 WLC by 5508 wlc's.
I have also replaced both 4400 in LMS by those new 5508. They have the same ip's, so I have removed the old 4400's from LMS and created 2 new devices.
When checking the device center, LMS tells me Data collection, User tracking, Inventory and Fault discovery has succeeded.
When I check the Reachability status in device center it is ok for ping, telnet, SSH, SNMPV2 read, SNMPV2 write. However I am not able to open the configuration through Config editor. He gives me the pop-up "CEDT0042: No latest configuration file exists for the device in Archive."
When I go and check the archive summary report, I can see for both devices the log below:
NMP: Failed to establish SNMP connection to x.x.x.x - Cause: Device is Unreachable. Check the ReadOnly community string. SNMP: Failed to establish SNMP connection to x.x.x.x - Cause: Device is Unreachable. Check the ReadOnly community string.
Any ideas,