Hi all,
Since I have installed the SP1 on my LMS3.2, I can no more get updates from Cisco. I have tried with the GUI and also via CLI. Both didn't works.
Without SP1, I was able to do it.
This is the extract of my psu.log:
[ Fri Jan 06 10:27:51 CET 2012 ] INFO [SecurityHandler : getCSProxyLogin] : No proxy User Name configured
[ Fri Jan 06 10:28:04 CET 2012 ] INFO [SwUpdateAction : getUpdatesFromCCO] : Validated Cisco.com credentials..
[ Fri Jan 06 10:28:05 CET 2012 ] ERROR [CcoDownloadAdapter : getXmlFileList] : failed to connect to Cisco.com:RespCode=404, RespMsg=Not Found
[ Fri Jan 06 10:28:05 CET 2012 ] ERROR [RemoteRepSync : downloadPsuHeadersAsXml] : VDSException thrown com.cisco.nm.xms.vds.VDSException: CcoDownloadAdapter::getXmlFileList():Exception:CcoDownloadAdapter::getXmlFileList():failed to connect to Cisco.com.
An this is the extract of the debug log from my Proxy-Server:
2012-01-06 10:28:02 500 xxx.xxx.xxx.xxx 200 TCP_NC_MISS 21879 278 GET http
80 /
2012-01-06 10:28:03 1292 xxx.xxx.xxx.xxx 302 TCP_NC_MISS 1680 342 GET http cco.cisco.com 80 /cgi-bin/login
2012-01-06 10:28:04 1154 xxx.xxx.xxx.xxx 200 TCP_NC_MISS 21943 328 GET http cco.cisco.com 80 / - - -
2012-01-06 10:28:05 958 xxx.xxx.xxx.xxx 404 TCP_NC_MISS 17742 488 GET http
www.cisco.com 80 /cgi-bin/Software/WLAN/cwselectfile.cgi ?bp=1/&SEARCH=rme||4.3.2||Software%20Packages|||&FORMAT=XML - -
Strange path: /cgi-bin/Software/WLAN/cwselectfile.cgi
Is this a known bug?
If yes, does someone now if there exists already a bigfix and were I can find it. I didn't found a fix on Cisco's page.
Many thanks.
Best regards,