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Massive Partial Success in Sync Archive operation

Level 1
Level 1

I have two identical LMS servers running LMS 3.2 on Windows Server 2003 R2.

Both manage the same set of devices.  I have setup a periodic sync archive job to perform weekly archive sync jobs on smaller sets of devices since this LMS server manages about 6300 devices.

On one of the servers one of the weekly sync archive jobs runs against a smaller set of about 600 devices.  The job runs and there are about 500 successful archives usually collected with about 70 failures and a similar amount of partial successes.

On the other server, when the job runs the number of partial successes is around 474 with the same number of failed devices and only 36 successful devices.

This change in behavior recently happened.

I have attempted to delete and re-create the sync archive job.  That did not work.  I have deleted and re-added the devices from RME and that did not work.

I believe this must be due to some kind of corruption in the RME database, but I am not certain how to check for or fix where the exact issue is.

Any assistance would be appreciated.  Perhaps someone else has seen this behavior.


1 Reply 1

Joe Clarke
Cisco Employee
Cisco Employee

Which config is not syncing?  If it's the VLAN config, my first thought would there is a security policy preventing TFTP to the failing server.  The specific error here will be critical in determining where the problem lies.