I'm trying to define the Best Practices of Monitoring (SNMP) on the platform Nexus 7000/5000 for my customer.
I found a lot of documentation/information with contradictions.
1. Why could cseSysCPUUtilization be interesting?
Because i read it's an instantaneous value or equivalent of "show system resource", so 1sec, is it true ? But it may be an "un-smoothed" value ...
Should we monitor this value?
The definition of cseSysCPUUtilization is an average ... average on how much time ?
Idem for cseSysMemoryUtilization ?
2. Which one is the value is the most interesting between this three :
a. cpmCPUTotal5minRev
I read cpmCPUTotal5minRev - >more accurate view of the performance over time than the two others.
and cpmCPUTotal1minRev/cpmCPUTotal5secRev ->to monitor the trends and plan the capacity of your network.
is 5minRev better than 5min ?
Do you know any recent and official documentations for that ?
Please, could you help me to understand this points and to give correct information to my customer.
Thank you for your help !