I have an C886VA-K9 on ADSl2+ without BNG.
The old firmware was c800-universalk9-mz.SPA.154-1.T1.bin, the new one is c800-universalk9-mz.SPA.159-3.M2.bin
The MTU on Dialer0 is set to 1492, MSS in vlan 1 is set to 1452.
This configurations works with the old firmware, but not with the new one.
With the new firmware IPv4-TLS-handshakes do not work anymore and take infinite.
I found a workaround by setting MSS to 1438 in vlan1, this is the only change neccesary to make it work again.
If I boot the old firmware again it works with the old configuration.
Does somebody know what's faulty here?
Kind regards