Hi, would appreciate some help with the below please if anyone can
I need to match the CDP model of an IP phone on a CDP neighbor-discovery event - which is fine and working well.
Upon the CDP model check of the phone then check the interface description - if the interface description contains '!' do not do anything.
If the interface description does not contain "!" - do something, like change speed etc.
I have written the below which will detect a '7945' phone correctly but if I put a '!' on it interface description it still executes line 150 onwards !
event manager applet CDP_mod
event neighbor-discovery interface regexp FastEthernet.* cdp add
action 105 regexp "(7945)" "$_nd_cdp_platform" value
action 110 if $_regexp_result eq "1"
action 125 cli command "enable"
action 130 cli command "show int status"
action 131 set output "$_cli_result"
action 132 regexp "!" "$_cli_result" value
action 135 if $_cli_result eq "1"
action 150 cli command "enable"
action 155 cli command "config t"
action 160 cli command "interface $_nd_local_intf_name"
action 165 cli command "Description 7945_Detected"
action 170 cli command "Speed 100"
action 175 cli command "Duplex full"
action 180 end