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SNMP trap help (TCL scripting)

Level 1
Level 1

Hello guys

I need your help about something there is this snmp_trap function that i want to modify.

proc send_snmp_trap {display_string} {

    sys_reqinfo_snmp_trapvar var vbinds oid int 131;

    sys_reqinfo_snmp_trapvar var vbinds oid string "crypto_eem_pool_check.tcl";

    sys_reqinfo_snmp_trapvar var vbinds oid string $display_string;

    sys_reqinfo_snmp_trap enterprise_oid generic_trapnum 6 specific_trapnum 1 trap_oid trap_var vbinds;


It gives me alert trap when i want it to give me an info. I really couldn’t figure out if it is the IDs that i have to change or the value int or trapnums or something else.

Thank you for your help in advance...

8 Replies 8

Level 1
Level 1

I think I need to set severity level (set it to 6) for getting an informational alert. How do i do that?

I have no idea what you want to do since you are mixing terminology.  You're sending a trap, but you're talking about syslog message severities.  Perhaps if you describe your ultimate goal, that would help.

Okay here is the deal i have no idea either. It's because i had the whole code working properly but they ask me to modify it. They want the alert level to be informational. They gave me no other information.

So i immediately thought about severity and now i am completely lost.

Sorry if i couldnt explain myself properly.

Are you sure they're asking for "informational" or are they asking for the notification to be an SNMP inform?  There is no alert level for an SNMP trap.  That is a syslog concept.

No they clearly said that they want to get an info.

If there is no alert level for trap i dont see any way to do it. That was my only idea.

"Get an info" to me could very well mean get an SNMP inform.  Perhaps you should go back to them and get clarification on exactly what they want.

Yes I will tomorrow. Thank you so much for the help I appreciate it:)

They said difference between alert and info may come from MWTM. It might be because MWTM sees the OID in the code as an alarm. In this case we have to use another OID to get what we want. It is not SNMP inform we are looking for. We need to send SNMP trap with another OID.

And they said I should try different suitable OIDs at EEM Manager MIB.

Which makes no sense to me.

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