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What is SFTP used for?

Level 1
Level 1

What is SFTP used for in Cisco, and in general networking? How often, what for? thanks

24 Replies 24


We are here exchange acknowledge' so if I am write anything wrong I am happy other correct me.

So dont worry at all write anything let OP see many opinion this help him to build idea about issue or understand something he study.

Thanks alot 


In simple ftp Vs sftp is same as telnet vs ssh.

The security it different between these protocols.



Level 1
Level 1

Who here is using SFTP, or FTP/S

I have certain use where we transfer files using SFTP/SCP.  

Thanks Leo. Yes, transferring files is the overriding reason. But why are you transferring files. For example, Azure blob storage uses SFTP. 

@tabrownz wrote:
But why are you transferring files.

I do not understand the context to this question. 

Everyone "transfers", i. e.  Upload/Download, files.  

Hi Leo, SFTP, as I have found, is used for various applications or use cases such as Public facing SFTP gateways like AWS S3, Azure blob, Google cloud storage, and GoAnywhere MFT, and educational portals like CQU HPC and Harvard FASRC.

What is your use case. Why are you transferring files?

@tabrownz wrote:
What is your use case. 

There a plethora of reasons why people use SFTP, FTP, TFTP, IPvAC (aka RFC 1149), etc to transfer files. 

Everyone who has a computing device transfer files.  Go to the internet and watch a movie?  Files are downloaded to the computer and decoded so you can watch it. Call someone over your mobile phone?  You upload your voice is small chunks and it gets downloaded at the other end.  Everyone transfers files whether you know it or not.  The question is not "why" but, rather, HOW.  

And it all boils down to several factors:  Securely, unsecured, encrypted, unencrypted, etc. 

I use FTP/SFTP/SCP/TFTP because I learnt how to use it.  Some organization have an "edict" to use a particularly proprietary method(s) and some don't.  


I think I understand your viewpoint Leo, but it doesn't help me determine use cases. For what reason do you transfer files when you are using SFTP?

@tabrownz wrote:
For what reason do you transfer files when you are using SFTP?

In my case, I use SFTP to transfer files to a server. 

Q:  Why SFTP and not any other protocol? 
A:  Because that is how the server is set up.  We allow only secure protocol to transfer file(s) from this server.  

Q:  Why are you transferring the files, from my computer, to the server? 
A:  Many reasons can be picked:  Redundancy, my HDD is running out of hard drive space, so I can share the file(s) with other people, because "I can", I want to see how many files I can use up before the central server runs out of HDD, etc.

Q:  Why use (S)FTP and not, say, IPoAC (RFC 1149)?
A:  Among other things, IPoAC is not reliable (easily intercepted), very slow, highly seasonal, can only be used during daytime, and highly susceptible to "packet loss".

Q:  But why "transfer" when I can just use a USB? 
A:  Because the central server is in a secure location and requires a full-cavity-search to enter.  No thanks.

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