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3D Sensor 8120 Update stuck on Maintenance Mode

Hello, how you guys doing?

I'm kinda in need of some assistance, here are the facts:

I performed an upgrade from 5.3.1 to 5.4.0 on a Defense Center DC750 and an IPS 8120, I started with the DC750, everything went smooth, it took a long time from coming out from Maintenance mode but at the end it did so I checked connectivity, logs, etc. and moved on with applying the Policies to the IPS so I could proceed to do the update of the IPS8120, it was going well until it got stuck on the "waiting to exit maintenance mode" on the task status of the DC750.

I SSH into the IPS and it looks ok, as soon as I was in I received the EULA stuff, it's upgraded to 5.4.0, no alarms, connectivity to and from the DC750 it's ok but via web I see that on the task status it says "Exit Maintenance Mode -> Retrying" and on the DC750 part of "Device Management" it also place the IPS as in Maintenance Mode.

In the "status.log", which I'm attaching, I see that the process completed "[100%] Installation completed successfully.ui:Upgrade has completed.state:finished" and also on the "main_upgrade_script.log" file it says "[160118 06:04:34] Success, removed upgrade lock" I'm thinking that is also good.

So I was wondering if you guys ever experienced a similar issue or if someone from the Cisco Team could show me some light, I would appreciate it as at the moment the IPS is not "sensing" any traffic!!!!

Thanks in advance!!

4 Replies 4

Sunil Kumar
Cisco Employee
Cisco Employee

After OS upgrade completes, when the system comes up. It may go into the maintenance mode. The reason behind this, the system does the firmware upgrade which is related NFE, NFM (hardware acceleration). You can verify this in the file (/var/log/message).


Sunil Kumar

Cannot seem to find any relevant messages in that file related to NFE or NFM.

All I want is to know if there is a way to force the IPS out from the maintenance mode, as I have checked and the upgrade was successful! but it is stuck in that mode and I cannot apply any policies or config changes to it.


What did you do to resolve this problem?  I have a similar issue with two clustered ASA 5506-X  units running in transparent mode where after an update one is fine, the other is stuck in maintenance mode.


Mark Kinnunen

I resolved this by installing the next patch

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