I tryied this:
ciscoasa(config)#class-map tcp_syn
ciscoasa(config-cmap)#match port tcp eq 80
ciscoasa(config)#policy-map tcpmap
ciscoasa(config-pmap)#class tcp_syn
ciscoasa(config-pmap-c)#set connection conn-max 100
ciscoasa(config-pmap-c)#set connection embryonic-conn-max 200
ciscoasa(config-pmap-c)#set connection per-client-embryonic-max 7
ciscoasa(config-pmap-c)#set connection per-client-max 5
ciscoasa(config-pmap-c)#set connection random-sequence-number enable
ciscoasa(config-pmap-c)#set connection timeout embryonic 0:0:45
ciscoasa(config)#service-policy tcpmap interface outside
But the results were not what we expected. All our navigation slowed.
My intention is to prevent DoS attacks to a single web server I have in the DMZ.
I would appreciate any help.