I have an ASA 5510 that was originally setup with no VLANs. I have a SIP telephone system on the inside interface. I have now added two sub-interfaces to the inside interface for seperate VLANs as shown below.
interface Ethernet0/0
nameif outside
security-level 0
ip address ***.***.***.*** 255.255.255.***
interface Ethernet0/1
nameif inside
security-level 100
ip address 192.168.0.***
interface Ethernet0/1.2
vlan 10
nameif inside2
security-level 100
ip address 172.***.***.***
interface Ethernet0/1.3
vlan 100
nameif inside_Private
security-level 90
ip address 192.168.16.***
Ethernet0/0 and 0/1 where originally setup then I have added ethernet0/1.2 and 1.3
Dynamic NAT rules where also setup on the inside interface as follows:
nat (inside) 1
I then added the same for the other inside interfaces:
nat (inside2) 1
nat (inside_Private) 1
which seems to work fine, i can access the internet from all inside interfaces (depending on firewall rules of course)
The problem is that when i add the dynamic NAT rules for inside2 and inside_Private it breaks the incoming SIP from getting to the asterisk box. As soon as i remove them it works again.
Is this due to having untagged traffic with the inside interface, do i need to create a new sub-interface to be used instead, so i would have Ethernet0/1.1, Ethernet0/1/2 and Ethernet0/1.3 and then remove the IP from Ethernet0/1 ? If this is the case then what is the best way to change this as i have alot of firewall rules setup on this interface that would need moving over.